Walking, biking linked to fewer heart disease risk factors

Active commuters (walking or biking to work) have fewer heart disease risk factors. – Men and women who walk or ride a bike to work appear more fit, and men are less likely to be overweight or obese and have healthier triglyceride levels, blood pressure and insulin levels.

Improve asthma symptoms by avoiding air pollution

Asthma symptoms kicking up? Check your exposure to air pollution — New article shows individuals can improve asthma symptoms by avoiding air pollution – People who suffer from asthma may think there’s not a lot they can do to control their asthma besides properly taking medications and avoiding allergic triggers.

Action steps to cut childhood obesity rates

Health experts offer action steps local governments can use to cut childhood obesity rates – Local governments play a crucial role in the fight against childhood obesity by creating environments that make it either easy or hard for children to eat healthier diets and move more.

Walking reduces risks in heart patients

Walking often and far or walking for 45 to 60 minutes a day at a moderate pace reduces risks in heart patients. – An exercise program that burns a lot of calories reduced cardiac risk factors better than standard cardiac rehabilitation in overweight coronary patients, researchers report in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association.

Children’s food products provide poor nutritional quality

Approximately 89% of the children products analysed could be classified as of poor nutritional quality owing to high levels of sugar, fat and/or sodium. – Nine out of ten regular food items aimed specifically at children have a poor nutritional content ? because of high levels of sugar, fat or sodium – according to a detailed study of 367 products published in the July issue of the UK-based journal Obesity Reviews.

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