Junk food consumed late in pregnancy more harmful to the child

Junk food consumed late in pregnancy more harmful to the child

Junk food consumed late in pregnancy has the potential to be more harmful to the child – “Too much junk food consumed late in pregnancy for humans has the potential to be more harmful to the child than excess junk food early in the pregnancy,” says Dr Jessica Gugusheff, post-doctoral researcher in the School of Agriculture, Food and Wine at University of Adelaide.

Anxiety can damage brain and increases Alzheimer’s disease risk

Anxiety can damage brain — Accelerate conversion to Alzheimer’s for those with mild cognitive impairment – People with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) are at increased risk of converting to Alzheimer’s disease within a few years, but a new study warns the risk increases significantly if they suffer from anxiety.

Nicotine exploits COPI to foster addiction

Nicotine exploits COPI to foster addiction – A study in The Journal of General Physiology helps explain how nicotine exploits the body’s cellular machinery to promote addiction. The findings could lead to new therapies to help people quit smoking.

Acetaminophen pain drug can cause rare serious skin reactions

FDA Warns of Rare Acetaminophen Risk — Acetaminophen linked to three serious skin diseases – Acetaminophen, a fever and pain reliever that is one of the most widely used medicines in the U.S., can cause rare but serious skin reactions, warns the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Stem cell transplant may restore memory

Stem cell transplant restores memory, learning in mice – A study at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is the first to show that human stem cells can successfully implant themselves in the brain and then heal neurological deficits, says senior author Su-Chun Zhang, a professor of neuroscience and neurology.

Intermittent dosing with vemurafenib may prolong lives of melanoma patients

Drug-Resistant Melanoma Tumors Shrink When Therapy Is Interrupted — ?Intermittent Dosing? Strategy in Lab Mice Suggests Simple Way to Help People with Late-Stage Melanoma – Researchers in California and Switzerland have discovered that melanomas that develop resistance to the anti-cancer drug vemurafenib (marketed as Zelboraf), also develop addiction to the drug, an observation that may have important implications for the lives of patients with late-stage disease.

Facebook like social media may help fight childhood obesity

Social media may be an effective way to help children overcome obesity — Parental involvement and online interaction with counselors and peers led to greater success for overweight and obese children and teens in some studies – Social media like Facebook may be an effective tool to help children overcome obesity, according to a new American Heart Association scientific statement published in the journal Circulation.

Nicotine addiction vaccine may help quitting smoking

New vaccine for nicotine addiction — Weill Cornell researchers develop novel anti-body vaccine that blocks addictive nicotine chemicals from reaching the brain – A single dose of novel vaccine protects mice, over their lifetime, against nicotine addiction. Researchers at Weill Cornell Medical College have developed and successfully tested in mice an innovative vaccine to treat nicotine addiction.

A single dose of LSD may help heavy alcoholics

Sobered up using LSD — Journal of Psychopharmacology article examines intriguing evidence on the psychedelic drug – Forty years ago, LSD was used in the treatment of alcoholics – with good results. Perhaps it’s time to look at it again? In the 1950s, ’60s and ’70s, researchers in many places in the world experimented with LSD in the treatment of various disorders, including alcoholism. Not all experiments were scientifically tenable by today’s standards, but some were.