Child free women feel intense pressure to have kids

Child-free women feel intense pressure to have kids — but rarely stress over it — New study uncovers effects of social pressure to have children on different groups of US women – Women who choose to be permanently childfree perceive more social pressures to become mothers than other women, but feel less distress about not having kids than women who are childless from infertility or other reasons, a new national study shows.

Low birth weight may increase heart disease and kidney disease risk

Low birth weight may increase risk for cardiovascular disease, kidney disease and diabetes — New research in The FASEB Journal suggests that poor high blood pressure management during pregnancy may have negative long-term health consequences for offspring – Being underweight at birth may have consequences above and beyond the known short-term effects says a research report. The report shows that rats with a low birth weight have an increased long-term risk for developing cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and diabetes.

Autism linked to gene mutation on chromosome 16

CSHL team finds evidence for the genetic basis of autism — Models of autism show that gene copy number controls brain structure and behavior – Scientists at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) have discovered that one of the most common genetic alterations in autism — deletion of a 27-gene cluster on chromosome 16 — causes autism-like features.

Burger diet boosts asthma and wheeze in children

Burger diet boosts kids’ asthma and wheeze risk — Effect of diet on asthma and allergic sensitisation in the International Study on Allergies and Asthma in Childhood – Eating three or more burgers a week may boost a child’s risk of asthma and wheeze – at least in developed nations – reveals a large international study, published in Thorax today.

Antidepressants in pregnancy increase miscarriage risk

Antidepressants in pregnancy increase risk of miscarriage – There is a 68% increase in the overall risk of miscarriage in pregnant women using antidepressants, found a new study in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal).

Weight loss surgery lowers pregnancy complications in obese

Obese women who have bariatric surgery before getting pregnant are at significantly lower risk for developing dangerous hypertensive disorders during pregnancy. – Obese women who undergo bariatric surgery before having a baby have a much lower risk of developing serious health problems during pregnancy, finds a study published on today.

Teen birth rate fell 2 percent in US

Teen Birth Rates Drop in 2008 Following a Two-Year Increase – a new report by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – The teen birth rate in the United States fell 2 percent between 2007 and 2008, after rising the previous two years, according to a report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics.

Malnutrition higher in children born to child brides in India

The effect of maternal child marriage on morbidity and mortality of children under 5 in India. – Infants born to child brides in India (married before the age of 18) have a higher risk of malnutrition than children born to older mothers, revealed in a new study.

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