COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects on Bladder Health in Young Adults Revealed

COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects on Bladder Health in Young Adults Revealed

COVID-19 vaccination has been found to cause some side effects on the lower urinary tract and overactive bladder in younger adults. A study published online on June 24 in Frontiers in Medicine reported these findings.

Marta de-la-Plaza-San-Frutos, from Universidad Europea de Madrid in Spain, and her team examined potential side effects of COVID-19 vaccination on the urinary tract. A total of 1,563 individuals (74.7 percent women and 27.3 percent men), aged 18 to 45 years, completed an online survey.

Brown Fat: The Good Fat in Obesity Treatment

Brown Fat: The Good Fat in Obesity Treatment

Obesity, a global health crisis affecting millions, has long been a challenging condition to treat. However, recent advancements in gene therapy offer a glimmer of hope. Gene therapy, a revolutionary technique that uses genes to treat or prevent diseases, is now being explored as a potential solution for obesity.

Unveiling Long COVID: The Unseen Global Health Crisis

Unveiling Long COVID: The Unseen Global Health Crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic has left an indelible mark on global health, with its impact extending far beyond the acute phase of the disease. A recent Swiss study published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) has shed light on the long-term effects of COVID-19 in unvaccinated individuals, revealing a worrying trend.

Unpacking the Emergence and Concerns Surrounding the XBB.1.16 Lineage: A Recombinant Omicron Variant Responsible for the Recent COVID-19 Spike in India

Unpacking the Emergence and Concerns Surrounding the XBB.1.16 Lineage: A Recombinant Omicron Variant Responsible for the Recent COVID-19 Spike in India

Over the past three years, SARS-CoV-2 has continued to evolve by accumulating genetic variations. A co-infection of multiple lineages of the virus could result in recombinations between genomes that can give rise to chimeric genomes or recombinants. While most recombinations may not give rise to viable viruses, a rare possibility exists where recombination could result in the creation of a new lineage of the virus with better functional capabilities than either of the parent lineages.