Obamacare – HealthCare.gov delay announced

US Administration announces new delay in online enrollment for small businesses — Obamacare’s online SHOP enrollment delayed by one year – The Obama administration is delaying yet another aspect of the health care law, putting off until next November the launch of an online portal (HealthCare.gov) to the health insurance marketplace for small businesses.

HealthCare.gov would be better to buy insurance, says Obama

Here’s What’s Being Done to Make HealthCare.gov Better – On October 1, HealthCare.gov opened for business, offering Americans a new way to compare health insurance plans and enroll in coverage. Nearly 20 million people have visited the site, and Americans all over the country are signing up for affordable, high-quality health insurance.

US to implement health care law and build health insurance marketplaces

US’ States move forward to implement health care law, build health insurance marketplaces – Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced that more states are on track to implement the health care law and establish health insurance marketplaces, or Exchanges, in their states.

US government paying separate managed care programs for same patients

Study examines federal government payments to separate managed care programs for same patients – An analysis that included 1.2 million veterans enrolled in the Veterans Affairs health care system and Medicare Advantage plan finds that the federal government spends a substantial and increasing amount of potentially duplicative funds in these separate managed care programs for the care of same individuals.

30% of health spending yield no benefit to patients

High Level Of Waste In Health Spending, Says Medicare And Medicaid Boss – Donald Berwick — Berwick a national & world leader in transforming health care – House Democratic Caucus Chairman John B. Larson (CT) released the following statement on the resignation of Dr. Donald Berwick as Administrator of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Employer health insurance premiums increased in US

Employer health insurance premiums increased 50 percent in every state from 2003 to 2010 — Employees’ share of premiums increased 63 percent; workers paid more for health insurance and got less protective coverage in years leading up to passage of Affordable Care Act – Premiums for employer-sponsored family health insurance increased by 50 percent from 2003 to 2010, and the annual amount that employees pay toward their insurance increased by 63 percent as businesses required employees to contribute a greater share, according to a new Commonwealth Fund report that examines state trends in health insurance costs.

Medicare patients lead to long term institutionalization in a nursing home

Medicare patients at risk of long-term institutionalization after hospital stay — Discharge to skilled nursing facility a key factor, according to first national study – Confirming many elderly patients’ worst fears, a national study has shown that being hospitalized for an acute event, such as a stroke or hip fracture, can lead to long-term institutionalization in a nursing home.

One million additional young adults get health insurance in US

Affordable Care Act helps one million additional young adults get health insurance – Affordable Care Act has helped increase the number of young adults who have health insurance, as per data released by the National Center for Health Statistics at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Reducing drug funding to Medicare patients raises questions

Reducing drug funding to Medicare patients will lead many to stop taking their medications – The lack of financial assistance to cover the cost of drugs to Medicare beneficiaries could result in an additional 18,000 patients discontinuing one or more prescriptions for essential drugs a year and others to not take their required medications regularly.

Physicians accepting fewer patients with health insurance

Surprising drop in physicians’ willingness to accept patients with insurance — Despite the imminent expansion of insurance coverage under health care reform, patients’ access to care may become more restricted – There is a drop in physicians’ acceptance of health insured patients in past years in US. As a result, insured patients could face new obstacles to receiving the medical attention they need, and overall access to health care could actually contract. As required under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, millions of people will soon be added to the ranks of the insured. However, this rapid expansion of coverage is colliding with a different, potentially problematic trend that could end up hampering access to health care.