Cows milk may cause Crohn’s disease

Mycobacterium paratuberculosis found in cows milk may cause Crohn’s disease in humans, revealed by researchers at the University of Liverpool, UK.
– Researchers at the University of Liverpool have found how a bacterium, known to cause illness in cattle, may cause Crohn’s disease in humans. Crohn’s is a condition that affects one in 800 people in the UK and causes chronic intestinal inflammation, leading to pain, bleeding and diarrhoea.

Sickle cell anemia treated with stem cells

Using a new type of stem cells made from ordinary skin cells, US researchers said they treated mice with sickle cell anemia.
– MIT researchers have successfully treated mice with sickle-cell anemia in a process that begins by directly reprogramming the mice’s own cells to an embryonic-stem-cell-like state, without the use of eggs.

Ebola virus outbreak in Uganda worsens, says WHO

The number of suspected cases of Ebola haemorrhagic fever in western Uganda has almost doubled in the past 10 days, and four health-care workers are now among the fatalities, the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) reported.
– The number of suspected cases of Ebola haemorrhagic fever in the Bundibugyo District of western Uganda has now risen to 93, including 22 fatalities. Laboratory analysis has confirmed the presence of a new species of the virus in 9 of these cases.

Treatment of HIV associated Lipodystrophy Syndrome

The HIV/HAART-associated Lipodystrophy Syndrome is a common side-effect of antiretroviral medications to treat HIV infection.
– Researchers in Montreal and Boston have identified a potential new treatment for the HIV/HAART*-associated Lipodystrophy Syndrome. Thi._settings;X(t,n).forEach(function(t){b(t,e),V(t,n,e)})},restoreAll:function(){var e=this._settings;Q(e).forEach(function(t){U(t,e)})}},t.load=function(t,e){e=i(e);V(t,e)},t.resetStatus=function(t){r(t)},Z&&function(t,e){if(e)if(e.length)for(var n,a=0;n=e[a];a+=1)o(t,n);else o(t,e)}(t,window.lazyLoadOptions),t});!function(e,t){"use strict";function a(){t.body.classList.add("litespeed_lazyloaded")}function n(){console.log("[LiteSpeed] Start Lazy Load Images"),d=new LazyLoad({elements_selector:"[data-lazyloaded]",callback_finish:a}),o=function(){d.update()},e.MutationObserver&&new MutationObserver(o).observe(t.documentElement,{childList:!0,subtree:!0,attributes:!0})}var d,o;e.addEventListener?e.addEventListener("load",n,!1):e.attachEvent("onload",n)}(window,document);