Obese pregnant women give birth to heavier babies

New study suggests that maternal body composition at or near conception has important implications for offspring?s obesity, and obesity during conception phase may set the stage for offspring?s obesity risk. – The number of overweight and obese Americans continues to grow rapidly. Today, 50 percent of adults are overweight and up to 20 percent are obese. While the number of overweight/obese children is at an all time high, the steady increase of overweight infants ? individuals under 11 months old ? is alarming.

GIP hormone to prevent obesity

Gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) hormone in the body is capable of promoting weight loss, improving insulin resistance and reversing diabetes. – A new study finds that a chemical found in the body is capable of promoting weight loss, improving insulin resistance and reversing diabetes in an animal model. The hormone is gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) receptor blockade.

Obesity linked to decreased seatbelt use

Vanderbilt University psychologist reveals that obese people are less likely to use their seatbelts than the rest of the population, adding to the public health risks associated with this rapidly growing problem. – Obese people are less likely to use their seatbelts than the rest of the population, adding to the public health risks associated with this rapidly growing problem.

High protein diet better for weight loss in obese

A new CSIRO study has found that overweight and obese men can lose weight effectively and safely on a high protein diet.
– Presenting the results of the study at the Nutrition Society Conference in Auckland, NZ, CSIRO dietitian Dr Manny Noakes said that the study suggests it is easier than previously thought for men to take action to lose weight.

High-calorie foods cheaper and increases obesity risk

High calorie diets are cheaper in price, but tend to increase obesity risk. Low calorie diets helpful in maintaining good health are costlier now.
– High-calorie foods tend to cost less than lower-calorie items and are less likely to increase in price due to inflation ? a possible explanation for why the highest rates of obesity are seen among people in lower-income groups, according to researchers at the University of Washington.

Obesity may be bad for bone health

Obesity and being over-weight may be bad for bone health, and childhood obesity could have a significant, long lasting negative impact on the skeleton. – Obesity may be bad for bone health, revealed by researchers at the University of Georgia. Being overweight is a known risk factor for heart disease, diabetes and a host of other health conditions. Now, obesity and over-weight may also be bad for bone health.