Combined hormone therapy increases lobular breast cancer risk

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center leads first study designed to evaluate the association between combined HRT use and the risk of lobular breast cancers. – Postmenopausal women who take combined estrogen/progestin hormone-replacement therapy for three years or more face a fourfold increased risk of developing various forms of lobular breast cancer, according to new findings by researchers.

Calcium supplements may increase heart attacks in postmenopausal women

Calcium supplements or high calcium intakes may increase heart attacks in postmenopausal women, increased risk of myocardial infarction outweighs the reduction in fractures in older women. – Calcium is an important component of bone, and a sufficient intake of calcium is needed for bone homoeostasis. Calcium supplements can reduce the risk of fractures in elderly women, but high calcium intakes or calcium supplements may increase the risk of heart attack in healthy postmenopausal women.

Exercise reduces menopausal anxiety, stress and depression

Brisk walking routine can reduce a variety of psychological symptoms such as anxiety, stress and depression in menopause women. – With more menopausal women seeking natural therapies to ease symptoms, a new study has found that simply adding a brisk walking routine can reduce a variety of psychological symptoms such as anxiety, stress and depression.

Predicting hip fracture risk in postmenopausal women

A team of UC Davis researchers has developed a method that assesses nearly a dozen factors to predict the five-year risk of hip fractures in postmenopausal women.
– To help doctors predict the five-year risk of hip fractures in their postmenopausal patients, a team of UC Davis researchers has developed a method that assesses nearly a dozen factors, including age, ethnicity and level of physical activity.