Melanoma – The Dark Invader: Deadly Skin Cancer

Melanoma – The Dark Invader: Deadly Skin Cancer

In the lexicon of modern medicine, ‘melanoma’ rings a bell with the timbre of alarming urgency, echoing its formidable reputation as one of the most deadly skin cancers known to humankind. This insidious disease weaves a complex tapestry of symptoms, signs, and biological transformations that are often as enigmatic as they are menacing.

Sunlight may help to reduce blood pressure

Here comes the sun to lower your blood pressure – Exposing skin to sunlight may help to reduce blood pressure and thus cut the risk of heart attack and stroke, a study published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology suggests. Research carried out at the Universities of Southampton and Edinburgh shows that sunlight alters levels of the small messenger molecule, nitric oxide (NO) in the skin and blood, reducing blood pressure.

Sunlight helps to reduce blood pressure and prolong life

Sunshine could benefit health and prolong life, study suggests – Exposing skin to sunlight may help to reduce blood pressure, cut the risk of heart attack and stroke – and even prolong life. Researchers have shown that when our skin is exposed to the sun’s rays, a compound is released in our blood vessels that helps lower blood pressure.

Aspirin may lower melanoma skin cancer risk

Aspirin may lower melanoma risk – Women who take aspirin have a reduced risk of developing melanoma – and that the longer they take it, the lower the risk. The findings of the new study suggest that aspirin’s anti-inflammatory effects may help protect against this type of skin cancer.

Intermittent dosing with vemurafenib may prolong lives of melanoma patients

Drug-Resistant Melanoma Tumors Shrink When Therapy Is Interrupted — ?Intermittent Dosing? Strategy in Lab Mice Suggests Simple Way to Help People with Late-Stage Melanoma – Researchers in California and Switzerland have discovered that melanomas that develop resistance to the anti-cancer drug vemurafenib (marketed as Zelboraf), also develop addiction to the drug, an observation that may have important implications for the lives of patients with late-stage disease.

Pancreatic cancer risk lowers with high sun exposure

Sun exposure and sun-sensitive skin type decreased risk for pancreatic cancer – High levels of ultraviolet radiation at an individual’s birth location, sun-sensitive skin type and a history of skin cancer each decreased risk for pancreatic cancer, according to Australian researchers.

Painkillers like aspirin may protect against skin cancer

Commonly used painkillers may protect against skin cancer – Aspirin and other similar painkillers may help protect against skin cancer. The findings of new study indicate that skin cancer prevention may be added to the benefits of these commonly used medications.

Skin cancer melanoma rising in young adults

Mayo Clinic Study Finds Dramatic Rise in Skin Cancer in Young Adults — Researchers speculate indoor tanning bed use, childhood sunburns are key culprits – Even as the rates of some cancers are falling, Mayo Clinic is seeing an alarming trend: the dramatic rise of skin cancer, especially among people under 40. The incidence of melanoma has escalated, and young women are the hardest hit.