Acne products can cause skin side effects

Topical Acne Products Can Cause Dangerous Side Effects – Certain acne treatments can, in rare instances, cause severe allergic reactions that are potentially life-threatening.

Illegal Internet pharmacies – FDA acts

FDA takes action against thousands of illegal Internet pharmacies — Agency participates in international Operation Pangea V to protect consumers from potentially dangerous, unapproved drugs – The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, in partnership with international regulatory and law enforcement agencies, took action this week against more than 4,100 Internet pharmacies that illegally sell potentially dangerous, unapproved drugs to consumers. Actions taken include civil and criminal charges, seizure of illegal products, and removal of offending websites.

A new type of male contraceptive possible now

Male fertility genes discovered — Gene study could pave way for non-hormonal male contraceptive – A new type of male contraceptive could be created thanks to the discovery of a key gene essential for sperm development. The finding could lead to alternatives to conventional male contraceptives that rely on disrupting the production of hormones, such as testosterone and can cause side-effects such as irritability, mood swings and acne.

Acne treatment with oral antibiotics may cause sore throat

Treatment of acne using oral antibiotics associated with reporting symptoms of sore throat – Taking oral antibiotics for treatment of acne appears to be associated with reporting symptoms of pharyngitis (sore throat). The results are proving many inconsistent concerns true about the safety of long-term use of antibiotics.

Having severe acne may increase depression and suicide risk

Having severe acne may increase suicide risk — Research: Association of suicide attempts with acne and treatment with isotretinoin: Retrospective Swedish cohort study – Individuals who suffer from severe acne are at an increased risk of attempting suicide, revealed by researchers in a paper published in BMJ.

New genomic approaches for treating skin diseases

Study finds unexpected bacterial diversity on human skin – Genomic research lays groundwork for new approaches for treating, preventing skin diseases. – The health of our skin – one of the body’s first lines of defense against illness and injury – depends upon the delicate balance between our own cells and the millions of bacteria and other one-celled microbes that live on its surface.

Radiation linked to aggressive thyroid cancer

Patients who have been exposed to radiation have more aggressive disease and worse clinical outcome than other patients with thyroid cancer. – Patients with thyroid cancer who have previously been exposed to radiation-for example, in the workplace, through environmental exposure or for treatment of acne or another condition-appear to have more aggressive disease and tend to have worse outcomes in the long term, according to a report in the April issue of Archives of Otolaryngology?Head & Neck Surgery, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

Plastic surgeons using laser for wrinkle removal, acne scarring, tattoo removal

Cosmetic surgeons are starting to use a new generation of laser that goes deeper than standard lasers, reducing wrinkles and tightening the skin. – UT Southwestern Medical Center plastic surgeons are among a handful in the US deploying a new type of laser that goes deeper into the skin to help reduce wrinkles, tighten surface structures and treat pigmentation differences.