Pain drugs do not appear to be associated with skin cancer risk

Certain pain medications do not appear to be associated with skin cancer risk – Contrary to previous hypotheses, the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs does not appear associated with risk of squamous cell skin cancer, revealed by researchers.

Breast ultrasound can reduce breast biopsies in young women

Targeted breast ultrasound can reduce biopsies for women under 40 – Targeted breast ultrasound of suspicious areas of the breast, including lumps, is a safe, reliable and cost-effective alternative to invasive biopsies for women under age 40.

Cancer mortality declined in Europe

New figures on cancer in Europe show a steady decline in mortality but big variations — Large variations in mortality exist between countries and between men and women – New figures on deaths from cancer in Europe show a steady decline in mortality between the periods 1990-1994 and 2000-2004. Deaths from all cancers in the European Union (EU) between these two periods fell by nine percent in men and eight percent in women, with a large drop among the middle-aged population.

Environmental chemicals in breast milk may cause testicular cancer later

Environmental chemicals found in breast milk and high incidence of testicular cancer — High levels of persistent environmental chemicals found in breast milk in a population with many male reproductive problems. – A comparison of breast milk samples from Denmark and Finland revealed a significant difference in environmental chemicals which have previously been implicated in testicular cancer or in adversely affecting development of the fetal testis in humans and animals.

4 new risk factors for prostate cancer – deCODE genetics

deCODE Discovers Four New Risk Factors for Prostate Cancer – deCODE genetics (Nasdaq:DCGN) announced that a team of its scientists and academic colleagues from Finland, Spain, the Netherlands and the United States have published the discovery of four novel single-letter variations in the sequence of the human genome (SNPs) conferring increased risk of prostate cancer.

Low income breast cancer patients skipping hormonal therapy

Low-income breast cancer patients skipping hormonal therapy, increasing their risks – Many low-income women are failing to take the hormonal therapy prescribed as part of their breast cancer treatment, possibly lowering their survival rates, according to a study led by a researcher in the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Annual vitamin D deficiency screening for dark-skinned or veiled groups

Researchers recommends annual screening for vitamin D deficiency and routine vitamin D supplementation in at-risk populations, such as dark-skinned or veiled groups. – Annual screening for vitamin D deficiency and routine vitamin D supplementation in at-risk populations, such as dark-skinned or veiled groups, is recommended by Australian researchers.

Third hand smoke – another reason to quit smoking

Third hand smoke – Another reason to quit smoking; Adults who recognize dangers of third-hand smoke more likely to ban smoking at home. – Need another reason to add “Quit Smoking” to your New Year’s resolutions list? How about the fact that even if you choose to smoke outside of your home or only smoke in your home when your children are not there ? thinking that you’re keeping them away from second-hand smoke ? you’re still exposing them to toxins?

Exercise protects against breast cancer

Vigorous activity protects against breast cancer, women 30% less likely to develop breast cancer. – Normal-weight women who carry out lots of vigorous exercise are approximately 30% less likely to develop breast cancer than those who don’t exercise vigorously.