Swine Flu Situation as on 30th April 2009

Update on Swine Flu Situation as on 30th April 2009 – World Health Organization has reported human cases of Swine Influenza A [H1N1] caused by a re-assorted Swine flu virus. As on 29th April, 2009 nine countries have officially reported 148 cases of swine influenza A/H1N1 infection with 8 deaths.

Enteroviral infection of pancreas causes type 1 diabetes

New study of human pancreases links virus to cause of type 1 diabetes. Key to success is unique availability of relevant organs for research. – A common family of viruses (enteroviruses) may play an important role in triggering the development of diabetes, particularly in children, revealed by researchers.

Vitamin D protects from colds and flu

Vitamin D deficiency may increase risk of colds, flu. Large-scale study supports potential role in boosting immune system. – Vitamin D may be an important way to arm the immune system against disorders like the common cold, report investigators from the University of Colorado Denver (UC Denver) School of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Children’s Hospital Boston.

Genetic influence in social networks

The genes in your congeniality: Researchers identify genetic influence in social networks – Researchers from Harvard University and the University of California, San Diego have found that our place in a social network is influenced in part by our genes.

New test to detect and identify 12 respiratory viruses

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration cleared for marketing a test – xTAG Respiratory Viral Panel, manufactured by Luminex Molecular Diagnostics, that simultaneously detects and identifies 12 specific respiratory viruses. – The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved a new diagnostic test that detects 12 respiratory viruses, including strains of flu that have triggered epidemics.