HPV vaccine may benefit HIV infected women

Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine may benefit HIV infected women – Women with HIV may benefit from a vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV), despite having already been exposed to HPV, a study finds. Although many may have been exposed to less serious forms of HPV, more than 45 percent of sexually active young women who have acquired HIV appear never to have been exposed to the most common high-risk forms of HPV.

Nicotine primes brain for drug abuse like cocaine

Nicotine primes brain for cocaine use: Molecular basis of gateway sequence of drug use – Cigarettes and alcohol serve as gateway drugs, which people use before progressing to the use of marijuana and then to cocaine and other illicit substances; this progression is called the “gateway sequence” of drug use.

Antiretrovirals significantly reduces HIV transmission to partners

Treating HIV-infected people with antiretrovirals significantly reduces transmission to partners — Findings result from NIH-funded international study – Men and women infected with HIV reduced the risk of transmitting the virus to their sexual partners by taking oral antiretroviral medicines when their immune systems were relatively healthy, according to findings from a large-scale clinical study.

US plans to reduce harm from opioid drugs

FDA Acts to Reduce Harm from Opioid Drugs – The White House on Tuesday unveiled a multi-agency plan aimed at reducing the “epidemic” of prescription drug abuse in the U.S.-including an FDA-backed education program that zeros-in on reducing the misuse and misprescribing of opioids.

Fellowships for outstanding research in drug use and HIV

Fellowships for outstanding research in drug use and HIV are presented by the International AIDS Society and the National Institute on Drug Abuse at AIDS 2010 – The International AIDS Society (IAS) and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) today announced the recipients of their second annual joint research fellowships. Recipients of the prestigious awards will receive US$75,000 each to advance the scientific understanding of the linkage between illicit drug use and HIV, while fostering multinational research.

ADHD patients have deficits in brain’s reward system

Deficits in brain’s reward system observed in ADHD patients — Low levels of dopamine markers may underlie symptoms; implications for treatment. – The patients suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have lower-than-normal levels of certain proteins essential for experiencing reward and motivation, revealed by researchers at Brookhaven National Laboratory.

Testicular cancer risk rises with marijuana use

Marijuana use linked to increased risk of testicular cancer. Risk appears to be elevated particularly among frequent and/or long-term users of marijuana. – Frequent and/or long-term marijuana use may significantly increase a man’s risk of developing the most aggressive type of testicular cancer, according to a study by researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

DrugScope welcomed NTA figures on substance misuse

UK’s DrugScope responds to the National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse (NTA) figures on young people in treatment for substance misuse. – DrugScope, the national membership organisation for the drug sector, has welcomed the publication of new figures from the National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse (NTA) on the numbers of young people who have received specialist support for drug and alcohol misuse.

Erasing drug-associated memories to treat drug addiction

Erasing drug-associated memories to treat drug addiction is a new approach that has great potential. – Erasing drug-associated memories may prevent recovering drug abusers from relapsing, researchers at the University of Cambridge have discovered.