GM-CSF required for the immune attack in multiple sclerosis

GM-CSF required for the immune attack in multiple sclerosis – The neutralization of the cytokine GM-CSF could halt the development of multiple sclerosis, demonstrated by the research team of the immunologist Burkhard Becher at the University of Zurich in an animal model.

Smoking may increase multiple sclerosis risk

Does smoking compound other MS risk factors? – Smoking may increase the risk of multiple sclerosis (MS) in people who also have specific established risk factors for MS. The research is found in the April_7, 2010, online issue of Neurology?, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

Cannabis is beneficial for multiple sclerosis

Study confirms that cannabis is beneficial for multiple sclerosis – Cannabis can reduce spasticity (involuntary muscle tension or contraction) in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, revealed by researchers in a new study.

Pregnancy is safe for multiple sclerosis patients

There is good news for women with multiple sclerosis (MS) who are pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant. – Pregnant women with multiple sclerosis are only slightly more likely to have cesarean deliveries and babies with a poor prenatal growth rate than women who do not have multiple sclerosis (MS), revealed by US researchers.

Smoking increases brain lesions and brain shrinkage in MS

Smoking linked to increased brain lesions and brain shrinkage in MS – People who smoke and have multiple sclerosis (MS) may be at increased risk of brain shrinkage and increased brain lesions related to the disease, revealed by researchers.

Smoking leads to rapid progression of multiple sclerosis

Smoking associated with more rapid progression of multiple sclerosis — Smokers at higher risk of developing multiple sclerosis. – Patients with multiple sclerosis who smoke appear to experience a more rapid progression of their disease, revealed by researchers in the Archives of Neurology.

2 new locations of genes causing multiple sclerosis

Aussie and Kiwi researchers make double MS genetic discovery – 2 new locations of genes causing multiple sclerosis. – Two new locations of genes responsible for multiple sclerosis are discovered which will help to unravel the causes of MS and other autoimmune disease, revealed by Australian and New Zealand researchers

UK’s MS Society supports Carers Week

MS Society supports national Carers Week – New research launched to mark the start of national Carers Week (8-13 June) shows that almost three-quarters (74%) of carers have reached breaking point due to the pressures of their caring role.