Biomarker predicts effectiveness of brain cancer temozolomide treatment

Biomarker predicts effectiveness of brain cancer treatment – Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have identified a new biomarker that predicts whether glioblastoma – the most common form of primary brain cancer – will respond to chemotherapy.

Michael Schumacher showing improvement after ski accident

The Formula 1 legend underwent a second procedure on Monday night and has shown a ‘slight improvement’ – Michael Schumacher underwent a second surgery after a brain scan showed small, “surprising” signs of improvement. However, doctors said that they couldn’t offer any insight into the prognosis for the Formula One champion Michael Schumacher.

Copper triggers and enhances progression of Alzheimer’s disease

Copper identified as culprit in Alzheimer’s disease – Copper appears to be one of the main environmental factors that trigger the onset and enhance the progression of Alzheimer’s disease by preventing the clearance and accelerating the accumulation of toxic proteins in the brain.

Use of clot busters for stroke increased from 2005 to 2009

Use of clot busters for stroke increased from 2005 to 2009, but still low — American Heart Association rapid access journal report – The use of clot-busting drugs to treat acute ischemic stroke increased from 2005 through 2009 – but is still low, according to research reported in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association.

Fetal surgery better in treating children with spina bifida

Fetal surgery, pioneered at UCSF, is more effective than operating after birth – Thirty years ago, the first human fetal surgery was performed at the University of California, San Francisco. Now, a randomized controlled trial has proven definitively that fetal surgery can help certain patients before birth.

NewYork-Presbyterian No. 6 hospital in US, No. 1 in NewYork

NewYork-Presbyterian No. 6 hospital in nation, No. 1 in NY – NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, one of the country’s largest and most comprehensive academic medical centers, is ranked #6 in the nation and #1 among ranked hospitals in the New York area, according to U.S. News Media Group’s 2010-11 Best Hospitals.

Deep brain stimulation successful for depressive patient

Neurosurgeons in Heidelberg perform the world’s first operation on the ‘habenula’ to treat depression; cooperation with psychiatrists from the Central Institute of Mental Health in Mannheim – A team of neurosurgeons at Heidelberg University Hospital and psychiatrists at the Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim have for the first time successfully treated a patient suffering from severe depression by stimulating the habenula, a tiny nerve structure in the brain.

Oxygen appears effective in treating cluster headache

Treatment of patients with cluster headache at symptom onset using inhaled high-flow oxygen compared with placebo was more likely to result in being pain-free at 15 minutes. – Patients with a cluster headache, which is characterized by bouts of excruciating pain usually near the eye or temple, were more likely to report being pain-free within 15 minutes of treatment with high-flow oxygen than patients who received a placebo treatment.

Gene therapy may cure Alzheimer’s disease

Historic gene therapy trial to treat Alzheimer’s disease underway at Georgetown – To stop the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, scientists are conducting gene therapy trial on patients with a mild form of Alzheimer’s Disease in US.

Exercise helps stroke patients recover faster

Mayo Clinic researchers find previous exercise helps stroke patients recover faster – A person who has exercised regularly prior to the onset of a stroke appears to recover more quickly, say researchers from Mayo Clinic in Florida, USA, in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry.