Temper tantrum an early sign of mental health problem

When to worry about kids’ temper tantrums — Distinguishing between preschoolers’ typical misbehavior and early signs of mental health problems – Temper tantrums in young children can be an early signal of mental health problems, but how does a parent or pediatrician know when disruptive behavior is typical or a sign of a serious problem?

Infants with persistent crying likely to have behavior problems in childhood

Infants with persistent crying problems more likely to have behavior problems in childhood – Infants who have problems with persistent crying, sleeping and/or feeding – known as regulatory problems – are far more likely to become children with significant behavioural problems, reveals research published ahead of print in the journal Archives of Disease in Childhood.

Childhood obesity and child protection issue

When does severe childhood obesity become a child protection issue? – When does severe childhood obesity become a child protection issue? This is just one of the ethical, medical and legal questions confronting doctors as they deal with increasing rates of childhood obesity, according to a series of articles in the latest Medical Journal of Australia.