New drug targets aimed at slowing progression of HIV AIDS

New research reveals how protein protects cells from HIV infection — Finding offers potential new drug targets aimed at slowing progression of disease – Researchers reveal a mechanism by which the immune system tries to halt the spread of HIV. Harnessing this mechanism may open up new paths for therapeutic research aimed at slowing the virus’ progression to AIDS.

Cholesterol lowering drugs statins may help hospitalized influenza patients

Statins may reduce mortality in patients hospitalized with influenza – Taking Statins May Help Flu patients – The two main ways to prevent and control influenza today are annual immunization and antiviral drugs. A team of investigators has found that statins, cholesterol-lowering drugs, may offer an additional treatment to complement these approaches and reduce mortality among patients hospitalized with influenza.

HIV virus hides in the brain

HIV virus hides in the brain – Studies of the spinal fluid of patients given anti-HIV drugs have resulted in new findings suggesting that the brain can act as a hiding place for the HIV virus.

H1N1 may cause serious health risks for pregnant women

Study Finds H1N1 Associated With Serious Health Risks for Pregnant Women – Pregnant women who contract the H1N1 flu strain are at risk for obstetrical complications including fetal distress, premature delivery, emergency cesarean delivery and fetal death, according to a report in the May 24 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

Bone marrow can harbor HIV infected cells

University of Michigan scientists discover bone marrow can harbor HIV-infected cells — Targeting these reservoirs of latent cells may open door to new treatments – University of Michigan scientists have identified a new reservoir for hidden HIV-infected cells that can serve as a factory for new infections. This indicate a new target for curing the disease so those infected with the virus may someday no longer rely on AIDS drugs for a lifetime.

H1N1 influenza severity linked to Streptococcus pneumoniae

Severity of H1N1 influenza linked to presence of Streptococcus pneumoniae – The presence of the Streptococcus pneumoniae in samples that can be easily obtained in clinics and emergency rooms may predict risk of severe disease in H1N1 pandemic influenza.

Human protein may prevent H1N1 influenza infection

Researchers find human protein that prevents H1N1 influenza infection – Howard Hughes Medical Institute researchers have identified a naturally occurring human protein that helps prevent infection by H1N1 influenza and other viruses, including West Nile and dengue virus.

A new drug may improve Hepatitis C

New drug technology produces marked improvement in hepatitis C therapy in animals – In a dramatic finding, a new drug for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections that targets liver cells produced a substantial drop in blood levels of the virus in animals and continued to work up to several months after treatment, say scientists at the Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research (SFBR) in San Antonio.

Human swine influenza virus mutation found

Monitoring of human swine influenza virus in connection with a recent Norway report – The Hong Kong’s Public Health Laboratory Service Branch (PHLSB) had detected one human swine influenza (HSI) virus which had the same mutation as the one detected in Norway recently.

Asthma complicates H1N1 in children

Asthma a significant risk factor for complications in children with H1N1 – Asthma is a significant risk factor for severe disease in children with pandemic H1N1 compared with the seasonal flu, revealed by Canadian researchers.