New H1N1 flu cases reduced in UK

The number of estimated new swine flu cases has fallen significantly in UK. – The number of estimated new swine flu cases has fallen significantly in the past week, the Health Protection Agency has announced. The consultation rate for flu-like illness in England from the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) scheme decreased to 36.0 per 100,000 in week 45 compared to 37.7 in week 44.

H1N1 hospitalization can occur at all ages

Report on H1N1 cases in California shows hospitalization can occur at all ages, with many severe – In contrast with some common perceptions regarding 2009 influenza A(H1N1) infections, an examination of cases in California indicates that hospitalization and death can occur at all ages. About 30 percent of hospitalized cases have been severe enough to require treatment in an intensive care unit.

H1N1 flu vaccine could control swine flu pandemic

Study find that vaccination of children and 70 percent of U.S. population could control swine flu pandemic – An aggressive vaccination program that first targets children and ultimately reaches 70 percent of the U.S. population would mitigate pandemic influenza H1N1 that is expected this fall, revealed by researchers.

US to improve monitoring for H1N1

President?s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) releases report assessing H1N1 preparations. Administration?s H1N1 efforts to date praised. Additional recommendations made to improve monitoring and strengthen medical response. – A Presidential advisory group of the US’ leading scientists and engineers released a new report assessing the Obama Administration’s preparations for this fall’s expected resurgence of 2009-H1N1 flu and outlining key steps officials can take in the coming weeks and months to minimize the disease’s impact on the nation.

Combined antiviral and chemotherapy to fight HIV AIDS

A new weapon in the war against HIV-AIDS: Combined antiviral and targeted chemotherapy – HIV-AIDS could be treated through a combination of targeted chemotherapy and current Highly Active Retroviral (HAART) treatments, revealed by researchers.

New accurate diagnostic test for swine H1N1 influenza

New accurate diagnostic test for swine H1N1 influenza using RT-PCR technology – A new, easy-to-perform method for detecting both seasonal influenza A virus and the emerging H1N1 swine-derived influenza A virus in human clinical samples offers a fast, sensitive, and cost-effective diagnostic test that runs on standard laboratory equipment.

10 early lessons learned from H1N1 outbreak

New Report Finds 10 Early Lessons Learned from the H1N1 Outbreak – A new report – The Pandemic Flu: Lessons from the Frontlines – reviews 10 early lessons learned from the response to the H1N1 (swine) flu outbreak, 10 ongoing core vulnerabilities in U.S. pandemic flu preparedness.

High blood pressure from virus cytomegalovirus

Study indicates that a common virus could cause high blood pressure – Cytomegalovirus affects majority of adults worldwide. – A new study suggests for the first time that cytomegalovirus (CMV), a common viral infection affecting between 60 and 99 percent of adults worldwide, is a cause of high blood pressure, a leading risk factor for heart disease, stroke and kidney disease.

AIDS patients get benefit from early retroviral use

AIDS patients with serious complications benefit from early retroviral use, Stanford study shows – HIV-positive patients who don’t seek medical attention until they have a serious AIDS-related condition can reduce their risk of death or other complications by half if they get antiretroviral treatment early on, according to a new multicenter trial led by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine.

World is better prepared for influenza pandemic

The world is better prepared for an influenza pandemic than at any time in history. – The world is better prepared for an influenza pandemic than at any time in history, thanks, in part, to vigilance and diligence of countries, Director-General Dr Margaret Chan said in her address to a special meeting of ASEAN+3 health ministers in Bangkok, Thailand.