1 in 5 Americans has hearing loss, US

1 in 5 Americans has hearing loss — New nationally representative estimate shows wide scope of problem of loss of hearing – 20% of Americans over the age of 12 experience hearing loss in at least one ear. Nearly a fifth of all Americans 12 years or older have hearing loss so severe that it may make communication difficult, according to a new study led by Johns Hopkins researchers and published in the Nov. 14 Archives of Internal Medicine.

Ear’s sensory hair cells made from stem cells

Aiming to cure deafness, Stanford scientists first to create functional inner-ear cells – Researchers have found a way to coax embryonic stem cells as well as reprogrammed adult cells to develop into sensory cells that normally reside in the mammalian inner ear. Those mechanosensitive sensory hair cells are the linchpin of hearing and balance.

Roller coasters may cause ear injury – ear barotrauma

Study: Roller coasters linked to common ear injury – The sharp turns, ups and downs, and high speeds of today’s roller coasters bring a lot of thrills, but if you’re not careful, the ride could also cause damage to your ears, say physicians at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit.

Hearing loss common in diabetes patients

Hearing loss is nearly twice as common among diabetic adults than their healthy counterparts, according to a new study by NIDDK. – Hearing loss is about twice as common in adults with diabetes compared to those who do not have the disease, according to a new study funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Zebrafish offer useful screening tool for genes, drugs that protect against hearing loss

A small striped fish is helping scientists understand what makes people susceptible to a common form of hearing loss, although, in this case, it?s not the fish?s ears that are of interest. – A small striped fish is helping scientists understand what makes people susceptible to a common form of hearing loss, although, in this case, it’s not the fish’s ears that are of interest. In a study published in the Feb. 29 issue of the journal PLoS Genetics, researchers at the University of Washington have developed a research method that relies on a zebrafish’s lateral line-the faint line running down each side of a fish that enables it to sense its surroundings-to quickly screen for genes and chemical compounds that protect against hearing loss from some medications.

Genetic mutation increases risk of preterm birth

Mutations in immune system gene linked to placental injury common in preterm babies – Genetic mutations in the Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) gene appear to have significant association with inflammatory injury to the placenta and developing baby, researchers from the University of Pittsburgh’s department of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive sciences report at the 28th annual meeting of the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine. Scientific sessions continue through Saturday, Feb. 2, at the Dallas Hyatt Regency at Reunion.

OTC eardrops may cause hearing loss

OTC eardrops may cause hearing loss

Over-the-counter eardrops may cause hearing loss or damage. The Montreal Children?s Hospital of the MUHC recommends these products be used with extreme caution. – A new study, led by researchers at The Montreal Children’s Hospital (MCH) of the MUHC, has revealed that certain over-the-counter earwax softeners can cause severe inflammation and damage to the eardrum and inner ear. The results of the study, recently published in The Laryngoscope, suggest that use of these medications should be discouraged.

Aging improves parent, child relationships

Most parents and children are fortunate to share several decades of the life course when both parties are healthy adults. When parents reach the transition to old age, however, they typically experience health declines, and both parties must adjust to changes in the relationship.
– The majority of relationships between parents and their adult children improve as parents transition to old age, a Purdue University researcher has found. Karen Fingerman, an associate professor of developmental and family studies in the College of Consumer and Family Sciences, examined relationships adults 70 and older have with at least one of their adult offspring.