Mediterranean diet linked to longer life and health

Longer life linked to specific foods in Mediterranean diet — Anatomy of the health effects of the Mediterranean diet, the Greek EPIC prospective cohort study, BMJ online. – Some food groups in the Mediterranean diet are more important than others in promoting health and longer life, according to this prospective cohort study from the Greek segment of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and nutrition (EPIC).

Mediterranean diet improves cognitive impairment in Alzheimer’s disease

Higher adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MeDi) may protect from Alzheimer disease (AD). Its association with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) has been explored and proved in this study. – Eating a Mediterranean diet appears to be associated with less risk of mild cognitive impairment-a stage between normal aging and dementia-or of transitioning from mild cognitive impairment into Alzheimer’s disease.

Mediterranean diet reduces type 2 diabetes risk

A recent study shows that high adherence to a diet (mediterranean diet) rich in olive oil, fruit and vegetables, and little meat was associated with an 83% relative risk reduction for developing type 2 diabetes. – People who follows mediterranean diet, are having less risk to suffering from type 2 disease, revealed by researchers. The Mediterreanean diet is rich in olive oil, grains, fruits, nuts, vegetables, and fish, but low in meat, dairy products and alcohol. The study published on