Abortion rates are rising in young girls in UK and some of them are vey young, a report released by the Department of Health, UK.
The official report showed there were 198,500 abortions last year, up by nearly 30,000 in the decade since Labour came to power. In 1969, the first full year after abortion was legalised, the total was under 50,000.
Nearly a third of the women – 64,000 – were having a second or subsequent termination. Of these, 14,746 were on at least their third, more than 1,000 were on a fifth, and 29 had gone through eight or more.
Commenting on the rising numbers of abortions in the under 16 age group Julie Bentley, Chief Executive fpa said:
“Now must be the time to make sex and relationships education compulsory and taught in every school in the country. Younger women are making different choices about their lives and choosing abortion over motherhood, but education and contraceptive services will stop them becoming pregnant in the first place.”
Medical health experts expressed concern about the rising trend despite improvements in contraception, family planning services and sex education.
Source: Health Newstrack, India