Solihull NHS Care Trust has approved an extra ?145,000 a year investment to help improve primary care services in Shirley. The money will be used to extend and modernize Haslucks Surgery in Haslucks Green Road, Shirley. Local residents can look forward to even more primary care facilities nearer their homes and may have shorter waits for treatment.
The NHS Care Trust’s Board made the decision to invest the money at its last meeting when members backed the practice’s request to upgrade and extend its current accommodation to meet patients’ needs. Now the 7,000 patients who currently use the practice can look forward to state-of-the-art facilities including rooms for visiting consultants.
Frank Mills, Chairman of the NHS Care Trust, said: “This is great news for the local community – the practice will now be able to introduce services which will reflect the latest in primary care and treatment.
He added: “This is an ongoing commitment by the Trust to improve primary care in the area and this practice has demonstrated a need for our support. It places essential services in the heart of the local community.”
Although the practice’s premises are set to increase in size, passers-by will see minimal change in the building’s frontage. A neighbouring property has been bought and the planned extension will link the existing and new building at the rear so that the traditional street view is maintained.
Partner Dr. Kumud Dunn said: “We are delighted that the Board has approved this investment – the new premises mean better, more modern facilities for our patients. We will now have accommodation, for example, for visiting consultants which will reduce the need for hospital visits wherever possible. It provides a secondary care diagnosis and treatment in a primary care setting.
She added: “Our nurses and health visitors will have more space to provide essential care. We also have an enthusiastic patient participation group and will continue to work closely with them.”
Building work is expected to start this autumn with the new-look surgery opening in summer 2009. The practice will continue to provide medical services from its existing site during the building work.
Source: Solihull NHS Care Trust, UK