High good and low bad cholesterol levels healthy for brain

High good and low bad cholesterol levels are healthy for the brain, too – High levels of “good” cholesterol and low levels of “bad” cholesterol are correlated with lower levels of the amyloid plaque deposition in the brain that is a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease, UC Davis researchers have found.

Heart failure depression symptoms reduced by exercise

Exercise boosts mental and physical health of heart failure patients — Exercise results in modest reduction in depressive symptoms for patients with chronic heart failure – Moderate exercise helps ease depression in patients with chronic heart failure, and is also associated with a small but significant reduction in deaths and hospitalizations.

Omega 3 fatty acids linked to aging and memory problems

Fish oil omega-3 fatty acids linked to brain health — A Diet Rich in Fish May Help the Aging Brain – A diet lacking in omega-3 fatty acids, nutrients commonly found in fish, may cause your brain to age faster and lose some of its memory and thinking abilities. Omega-3 fatty acids include the nutrients called docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).

Niacin and statin treatment did not protect heart

NIH stops clinical trial on combination cholesterol treatment — Lack of efficacy in reducing cardiovascular events prompts decision – The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the National Institutes of Health has stopped a clinical trial studying a blood lipid treatment 18 months earlier than planned.

People who go to bed late and sleep late eat more fast food and weigh more

Night owls at risk for weight gain and bad diet — People who go to bed late and sleep late eat more fast food and weigh more – Staying up late every night and sleeping in is a habit that could put you at risk for gaining weight. People who go to bed late and sleep late eat more calories in the evening, more fast food, fewer fruits and vegetables and weigh more than people who go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier.

Cancer risks in blood pressure medicines

Cancer risks in blood pressure medicines

University Hospitals Case Medical Center cardiologists discover cancer risks in blood pressure meds – University Hospitals Case Medical Center cardiologists have uncovered new research showing an increased risk of cancer with a group of blood pressure medications known as angiotensin-receptor blockers (ARBs).

Drinking less soda beverage may lower high blood pressure

LSUHSC researcher finds surprising link between sugar in drinks and blood pressure – Researchers have found that there is an association between sugary drinks and blood pressure and that by cutting daily consumption of sugary drinks by just one serving a day, people can lower their blood pressure.

Genetic factors may predict depression in heart disease patients

Genetic variations contribute to depression in heart disease patients. – Individuals with heart disease are twice as likely to suffer from depression as the general population, an association the medical community has largely been unable to explain. Now, a new study by researchers at The Miriam Hospital, in conjunction with The Montr?al Heart Institute, University of Montr?al and McGill University, reveals there may be genetic variations that contribute to depression in heart disease patients.

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