Alcohol abuse increases after bariatric surgery

Adults who had a common bariatric surgery to lose weight had a significantly higher risk of alcohol use disorders (AUD) two years after surgery – Among patients who underwent bariatric surgery, there was a higher prevalence of alcohol use disorders in the second year after surgery, and specifically after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, compared with the years immediately before and following surgery.

HIV infection may be a risk factor for heart failure

HIV Infection May Be a Risk Factor for Heart Failure – Patients with HIV infection without a prior history of coronary heart disease may be at a higher risk of developing heart failure, according to a report in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

Indoor tanning may be an addictive behavior

Study suggests indoor tanning may be an addictive behavior – Individuals who have used indoor tanning facilities may meet criteria for addiction, and may also be more prone to anxiety symptoms and substance use, according to a report in the April issue of Archives of Dermatology.

Binge drinking on rise in colleges, US

Dangerous college drinking: Prevention is possible, studies suggest – Alcohol is sometimes seen as part and parcel of college life, but there are programs that can significantly reduce students’ risky drinking, according to a series of studies in a special college drinking supplement of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.

Alcohol abuse may lead to depression risk

Alcohol abuse may lead to depression risk, rather than vice versa – A statistical modeling study suggests that problems with alcohol abuse may lead to an increased risk of depression, as opposed to the reverse model in which individuals with depression self-medicate with alcohol, according to a report in the March issue of Archives of General Psychiatry, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

Alcohol consumption may keep disabilities at bay

Light to moderate consumption of alcohol may help prevent the development of physical disability in old age. – It is well known that moderate drinking can have positive health benefits – for instance, a couple of glasses of red wine a day can be good for the heart. But if you’re a senior in good health, light to moderate consumption of alcohol may also help prevent the development of physical disability.

Hazardous drinking is quite common

Hazardous drinking, defined as drinking more than guidelines recommend, may be a new ‘check stop’ on the way to alcohol dependence. – Current diagnostic guides divide alcohol-use disorders into two categories: alcohol abuse/harmful use and alcohol dependence. Some researchers and clinicians believe this is insufficient, that there should be a third, preceding diagnosis known as “hazardous drinking,” defined as drinking more than guidelines recommend.

Role of Omega-3 unclear for bipolar disorder

Omega-3s are not useful treatments for people with bipolar disorder. – Despite intriguing findings that omega-3 fatty acid supplements could alleviate depression symptoms, there is still not enough evidence to say whether omega-3s are useful treatments for people with bipolar disorder, according to a review of recent studies.

Possible treatment target for alcohol dependence identified

A brain circuit that underlies feelings of stress and anxiety shows promise as a new therapeutic target for alcoholism. – A brain circuit that underlies feelings of stress and anxiety shows promise as a new therapeutic target for alcoholism, according to new studies by researchers at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).