Acupuncture relieves hot flashes from prostate cancer treatment

Acupuncture relieves hot flashes from prostate cancer treatment – Acupuncture provides long-lasting relief to hot flashes, heart palpitations and anxiety due to side effects of the hormone given to counteract testosterone, the hormone that induces prostate cancer, according to a study published in the April issue of the International Journal of Radiation Oncology?Biology?Physics, an official journal of the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO).

Antidepressant may reduce menopausal hot flashes

Use of Antidepressant Associated With Reduction in Menopausal Hot Flashes – Women who were either in the transition to menopause or postmenopausal experienced a reduction in the frequency and severity of menopausal hot flashes with the use of the antidepressant medication escitalopram, compared to women who received placebo.

Genetic variant linked to common migraine

First genetic link to common migraine exposed — Genetic variant may increase susceptibility to migraine triggers – Researchers have produced new insights into the triggers for migraines attacks. They have identified the first-ever genetic risk factor associated with common types of migraine.

Sad depressed mothers have small babies

Sad mothers have small babies – Clinical depression and anxiety during pregnancy results in smaller babies that are more likely to die in infancy, according to new research published in the open access journal BMC Public Health.

Tai Chi may reduce fibromyalgia symptoms

Tai Chi may improve fibromyalgia symptoms – Fibromyalgia sufferers may find relief from the chronic pain condition by doing tai chi, revealed by researchers in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Lack of evidence for antidepressants in Autism

Autism: Lack of evidence for antidepressants – Antidepressants commonly prescribed to people with autistic spectrum disorders cannot be recommended based on current evidence, revealed by Cochrane Researchers.

New target for antidepressants for depression and anxiety

Animal study reveals new target for antidepressants – University of Michigan scientists have provided the most detailed picture yet of a key receptor in the brain that influences the effectiveness of serotonin-related antidepressants, such as Prozac.