New psychotherapy to treat eating disorder

More people with eating disorders could benefit from new psychotherapy – talking therapies – which aim to release them from obsessive feelings. – Wellcome Trust researchers have developed a new form of psychotherapy that has been shown to have the potential to treat more than eight out of ten cases of eating disorders in adults, a study out today reports.

38% adults and 12% children use complementary and alternative medicine

US Government survey shows 38 percent of adults and 12 percent of children use complementary and alternative medicine – Approximately 38 percent of adults in the United States aged 18 years and over and nearly 12 percent of U.S. children aged 17 years and under use some form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), according to a new nationwide government survey.

Sugar can be addictive

Sugar can be addictive, Princeton scientist says. Animal studies show sugar dependence. – Sugar can be an addictive substance, wielding its power over the brains of lab animals in a manner similar to many drugs of abuse, revealed by researchers at the Princeton University, USA.

12 new genes identified for managing cholesterol, glucose, melatonin, sleep

New genes present drug targets for managing cholesterol and glucose levels – Scientists have identified 12 new genes that are somewhat strange bedfellows: Some link gallstones and blood cholesterol levels, others link melatonin and sleep patterns to small increases in glucose levels and larger jumps in the risk of diabetes.

Selenium may prevent bladder cancer

A study published in the December issue of Cancer Prevention Research, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, suggests that selenium, a trace mineral found in grains, nuts and meats, may aid in the prevention of high-risk bladder cancer. – Bladder cancer, a high risk cancer in human beings, can be prevented by the use of a trace mineral found in grains, nuts and meats. This mineral is selenium.

Hepatitis C declines health with liver disease

Treatment for advanced hepatitis C doesn’t work, researchers find. NIH study shows decline in health of those with advanced liver disease due to hepatitis C. – An NIH funded multi-center clinical trial found no benefit from “maintenance therapy,” low-dose peginterferon used for hepatitis C patients who have not responded to an initial round of treatment.

New treatment may cure food allergies

Scientists developing food allergy treatment, hoping for a cure that will allow people to eat fish or fruit again. – A team of scientists from across Europe are embarking on new research to develop a treatment for food allergy.

New drug tasimelteon for jet lag

Clinical trial results on the sleep-promoting effects of Vanda Pharmaceuticals’ circadian regulator tasimelteon (VEC-162) published in the Lancet. – Vanda Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Nasdaq: VNDA) reports publication in The Lancet, one of the world’s leading medical journals, results of clinical trials of its novel circadian regulator, experimental compound tasimelteon (VEC-162).

Whooping cough booster for parents of newborns

Parents of new babies should be considered for a whooping cough booster to prevent rapidly fatal invasive pertussis in babies and newborns. – A booster vaccination for parents of new babies and other household members may be the most effective way of preventing the fatal form of whooping cough in young infants, say a group of paediatric intensive care doctors on today.

14 drugs identified for off label use

Researchers have developed a list of 14 widely prescribed medications most urgently in need of additional study to determine how effective and safe they are for their off-label uses. – Physicians and policy-makers know that drugs are frequently prescribed to treat certain diseases despite a lack of FDA approval – a practice known as off-label prescribing. Yet they say the problem is so big they don’t know how to begin tackling it.