In a development not seen in 20 years, local transmission of malaria has been reported in the U.S., with five cases surfacing in the past two months. Four cases were identified in Florida, with one more appearing in Texas.
Malaria is an infectious disease characterized by cycles of chills, fever, and sweating, caused by a protozoan of the genus Plasmodium in red blood cells, which is transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected female anopheles mosquito.
Infected female malaria mosquitoes more attracted to human odour
Unlocking the manipulation of mosquitoes by malaria parasites – Female mosquitoes infected with malaria parasites are significantly more attracted to human odour than uninfected mosquitoes. This was demonstrated in a laboratory setting in which infected female Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto mosquitoes were attracted to human odours three times more than mosquitoes that were not infected with the malaria-causing Plasmodium falciparum parasite.
Bed nets use could eradicate malaria
Net advantage — Study finds use of bed nets by 75 percent of population could eradicate malaria – Malaria, the leading cause of death among children in Africa, could be eliminated if three-fourths of the population used insecticide-treated bed nets, according to a new study from the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS).
Cell phone data helps to curb spread of malaria
Using cell phone data to curb the spread of malaria — Study in Kenya finds measuring movement of people could lead to more effective ways to control spread of disease – New research that combines cell phone data from 15 million people in Kenya with detailed information on the regional incidence of malaria has revealed, on the largest scale so far, how human travel patterns contribute to the disease’s spread. The findings indicate that malaria, in large part, emanates from Kenya’s Lake Victoria region and spreads east, chiefly toward the capital, Nairobi.
Poor quality or fake malaria drugs pose threat
NIH study shows poor quality malaria drugs pose threat — Drug resistance a growing concern in Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa – Poor quality antimalarial drugs lead to drug resistance and inadequate treatment that pose an urgent threat to vulnerable populations. Emergence of malaria strains that are resistant to artemisinin drugs on the Thailand-Cambodia border make it imperative to improve the drug supply, stressed the researchers.
New malaria vaccine may make all strains of malaria parasite ineffective
New candidate vaccine neutralizes all tested strains of malaria parasite – A new candidate malaria vaccine with the potential to neutralise all strains of the most deadly species of malaria parasite has been developed by a team led by scientists at the University of Oxford, UK.
Malaria mosquitoes can’t spot a spermless mate
Mosquitoes can’t spot a spermless mate – A female mosquito cannot tell if the male that she has mated with is fertile or ‘sperm less’ and unable to fertilize her eggs, according to a recent study from scientists at Imperial College London.
A pre existing malaria infection can prevent a second infection
Malaria against malaria: A pre-existing malaria infection can prevent a second infection — Study will be published in Nature Medicine this Sunday, May 15, and may have impact in the fight against the disease – A team of researchers have found that pre-existing malaria prevents secondary infection by another Plasmodium strain, the parasite responsible for malaria, by restricting iron availability in the liver of the host.
Genes identified causing antimalarial drug resistance
Researchers identify genes causing antimalarial drug resistance – Using a pair of powerful genome-search techniques, researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH), Harvard University, and the Broad Institute have identified several genes that may be implicated in the malaria parasite’s notorious ability to rapidly evade drug treatments.
Novel antimalarial drug candidate identified
New antimalarial drug candidate with novel mechanism of action has the potential to rapidly clear a Plasmodium infection upon administration of a single oral dose, as published in Science – Novartis announced that scientists at the Novartis Institute for Tropical Diseases (NITD), in collaboration with researchers from the Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation (GNF), the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute and The Scripps Research Institute have discovered a novel compound that shows promise as a next generation treatment for drug resistant malaria.