Melanomas may appear different than other moles

In the present study, melanomas were generally apparent as Ugly Ducklings. The potential of the Ugly Duckling UD sign for melanoma screening should be further assessed. – A preliminary study suggests that melanomas have a different appearance than other irregular skin moles (i.e., are “ugly ducklings”), according to a report in the January issue of Archives of Dermatology, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

New strategies work to put cancer on the firing line

Cancer cells are our own cells gone awry. That means our immune system doesn?t always see cancer as a horrific invader. – Dr. Yukai He wants to put cancer in the bull’s eye. “Cancer really comes from us,” the Medical College of Georgia Cancer Center immunologist says of the scary reality that cancer cells are our own cells gone awry. That means our immune system doesn’t always see cancer as a horrific invader.

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