An apple a day keeps kidney stones away

An apple a day keeps kidney stones away — More fruits and veggies, less salt prevents stones from forming. – Researchers have found another reason to eat well: a healthy diet helps prevent kidney stones. The study appearing in an upcoming issue of the Journal of the American Society Nephrology (JASN).

Mediterranean diet and exercise lower Alzheimer’s disease risk

Exercise and Mediterranean-type diet combined associated with lower risk for Alzheimer’s disease — Findings of observational study warrant further research in controlled clinical trial to clarify the role of these and other possible factors contributing to AD risk – Both being more physically active and adhering to a Mediterranean-type diet appears to be associated with reduced Alzheimer’s risk, according to a new report in the August 12, 2009 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

Acidic beverages, citric juices damage teeth

How to manage erosion caused by everyday beverages – Researchers have warned people to beware of the damage that acidic beverages have on teeth. Yet, for some, the damage and problems associated with drinking sodas, citric juices or certain tea may have already begun to take effect.

Vegetable proteins lower blood pressure

Component of vegetable protein glutamic acid may be linked to lower blood pressure in hypertension. – Consuming glutamic acid – an amino acid commonly found in vegetable protein – may be associated with lower blood pressure, researchers report in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association.

Nuts and peanut butter may reduce heart attack risk

Taking nuts and peanut butter in the diet reduced the risk of a heart attack in women with type 2 diabetes. – Taking nuts and peanut butter in the diet reduced the risk of a heart attack in women with type 2 diabetes, revealed by researchers at Harvard Medical School. They analyzed the diets of 6309 women over a period of 12 years.

High carb foods cause heart attacks

Your arteries on Wonder bread — Landmark study from Tel Aviv University shows how high carb foods cause heart attacks. – High carb foods like white bread, corn flakes, french fries, and sweetened soda, with high glycemic index, increase the risk for heart problems and are not good for heart health.

Mediterranean diet linked to longer life and health

Longer life linked to specific foods in Mediterranean diet — Anatomy of the health effects of the Mediterranean diet, the Greek EPIC prospective cohort study, BMJ online. – Some food groups in the Mediterranean diet are more important than others in promoting health and longer life, according to this prospective cohort study from the Greek segment of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and nutrition (EPIC).

Antioxidant supplement CARMA improves vision in AMD

New supplement CARMA may help slow sight loss in elderly – Queen’s University Belfast academics have helped develop an antioxidant supplement which may slow down sight loss in elderly people. – The antioxidant nutritional supplement may help those affected by the leading cause of blindness in the Western World, a five-year research programme has found.

Antioxidant supplements may interfere breast cancer treatment

Many breast cancer patients take high doses of antioxidants despite possible consequences – antioxidant supplements may interfere breast cancer treatment. – A new study finds that many women with breast cancer take antioxidant supplements while undergoing cancer treatment, even though the consequences of doing so are unknown.

Plant based low carb diet promotes weight loss

Plant-based, low-carb diet (Eco Atkins diet) may promote weight loss and improve cholesterol levels – Overweight individuals who ate a low-calorie, low-carbohydrate diet high in plant-based proteins for four weeks lost weight and experienced improvements in blood cholesterol levels and other heart disease risk factors.