Breastfeeding improves children’s intelligence

Long-term, exclusive breastfeeding appears to improve children?s cognitive development, according to a report in the May issue of Archives of General Psychiatry, one of the JAMA/Archives journals. – Long-term, exclusive breastfeeding appears to improve children’s cognitive development, revealed by researchers. It is already known that children and adults who were breastfed as infants have higher scores on IQ tests and other measures of cognitive (thinking, learning and memory) development than those who were fed formula.

Brain and genes to improve anxiety treatment

U-M researchers look at cannabinoids, genes, medicines and brain scans to find better anxiety treatments. – Right now, about half of all people who take medicine for an anxiety disorder don’t get much help from it. And doctors have no definitive way to predict who will, and who won’t, benefit from each anti-anxiety prescription they write.

Genetic errors may cause schizophrenia

A team of researchers at the University of Washington and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories has uncovered genetic errors that may shed light on the causes of schizophrenia. The scientists found that deletions and duplications of DNA are more common in people with the mental disorder, and that many of those errors occur in genes related to brain development and neurological function. – Schizophrenia, a debilitating psychiatric disorder, is caused by some genetic errors due to deletions and duplications of DNA are more common in people with the mental disorders, revealed by researchers at the University of Washington and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories.

Disabilities due to alcohol consumption

Indian government is cognizant of the fact that consumption of alcohol in excessive amounts can lead to social economic and health related problems. – The Indian government is cognizant of the fact that consumption of alcohol in excessive amounts can lead to social economic and health related problems. A study conducted by NIMHANS for WHO published in the year 2006 shows that nearly 30% of adult men and less than 5% of women consume alcohol giving a male to female ratio of 6:1.

Overweight, obese women improve life with short exercise

Sedentary, overweight or obese women can improve their quality of life by exercising as little as 10 to 30 minutes a day, researchers reported. – Sedentary, overweight or obese women can improve their quality of life by exercising as little as 10 to 30 minutes a day, researchers reported at the American Heart Association’s Conference on Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism.

Quit smoking in pregnancy to have easy going child

Meaningful differences in maternal smoking behavior during pregnancy: implications for infant behavioral vulnerability – Giving up smoking during pregnancy may boost the chances of giving birth to an easy going child, indicates research in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.

Weight loss counseling helps maintain weight loss

Monthly personal counseling helps people maintain weight loss. 42 percent of the study members maintained at least a 4-kilogram (9-pound) weight loss for 30 months. – People who shed weight and want to keep it off might benefit from monthly personal contact interventions, researchers reported at the American Heart Association’s Conference on Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism.

Knee surgery referral to men more

Disparity in the use of medical or surgical interventions is an important health care issue, and this research suggests a gender bias in the treatment of patients who may need orthopedic surgery. Gender bias may affect care of people with osteoarthritis. – Physicians and surgeons recommend knee replacement surgery to men more than female patients complaining of knee pain, revealed by canadian researchers highlighting unconscious prejudices among doctors.

Listening to a cell phone distracts drivers

Carnegie mellon study shows just listening to cell phones significantly impairs drivers; Brain imaging reveals drivers are distracted even if they don’t talk. – Carnegie Mellon University scientists have shown that just listening to a cell phone while driving is a significant distraction, and it causes drivers to commit some of the same types of driving errors that can occur under the influence of alcohol.

Helping older people live safely and independently

Complex interventions such as preventive home visits and community-based care after hospital discharge can help improve physical function and maintain independent living in older people, according to a Bristol University study of more than 90,000 older people published in this week?s edition of the Lancet. – Complex interventions such as preventive home visits and community-based care after hospital discharge can help improve physical function and maintain independent living in older people, according to a Bristol University study of more than 90,000 older people published in this week’s edition of the Lancet. The authors also advise against withdrawal of existing well-developed services for older people.