Stem cells may rescue vision in AMD patients

UCSB, UCL scientists rescue visual function in rats using induced pluripotent stem cells – An international team of scientists has rescued visual function in laboratory rats with eye disease by using cells similar to stem cells. The research shows the potential for stem cell-based therapies to treat age-related macular degeneration in humans.

H1N1 flu drug Fluvir available in India

Anti-swine flu drug or Influenza A H1N1 flu drug Fluvir — Oseltamivir — now available in retail market in India – Fluvir — the first anti-swine flu Influenza A H1N1 Oseltamivir drug is launched in the retail markets in India. Till date H1N1 virus has claimed 257 lives and affected 8,153 people in the country.

Link between obesity and diabetes discovered

Link between obesity and diabetes discovered, it may lead to the design of a drug to prevent the diabetes disease. – A critical link between obesity and the onset of Type 2 diabetes is established by a Monash University study in Australia. The new findings could lead to the design of a drug to prevent the disease.

Antioxidant supplement CARMA improves vision in AMD

New supplement CARMA may help slow sight loss in elderly – Queen’s University Belfast academics have helped develop an antioxidant supplement which may slow down sight loss in elderly people. – The antioxidant nutritional supplement may help those affected by the leading cause of blindness in the Western World, a five-year research programme has found.

Topical fluorouracil improves actinic keratoses and photoaging

Topical application of chemotherapy drug may improve appearance of aging skin through wound-healing response – Topical application of the chemotherapy medication fluorouracil appears to reduce potentially precancerous skin patches and improve the appearance of sun-damaged skin.

Swine flu transmission to humans occurred months before outbreak

H1N1: Origins and Evolution of the Current Epidemic — Swine flu transmission to humans occurred several months before outbreak. – A new analysis of the current swine-origin H1N1 influenza A virus suggests that transmission to humans occurred several months before recognition of the existing outbreak.

Graying hairs are signs of stress

Stress makes your hair go gray — graying hairs tend to crop up with age are signs of stress. – Graying hairs might be signs of stress, revealed by researchers in a new study. Stress that does damage to DNA decreases amount of melanocyte stem cells (MSCs) within hair follicles that are responsible for making those pigment-producing cells.

1 in 4 surgeons fixing botched permanent filler ops

British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons Offers Safety Guidelines for Injectables – With recent reports of women suffering complications due to cosmetic fillers, the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons unveil survey results detailing their top concerns regarding these popular non-surgical treatments.

Genes responsible for testicular cancer risk in men

Penn researchers discover genetic risk factor for testicular cancer. Gene is associated with a three-fold increase in risk. – Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine have uncovered variation around two genes that are associated with an increased risk of testicular cancer.

Pregnant have more infection risk due to low vitamin D

Low levels of vitamin D linked to common vaginal infection in pregnant women – Findings may explain higher rates of infection among African-Americans. – Pregnant women with low levels of vitamin D may be more likely to suffer from bacterial vaginosis (BV) ? a common vaginal infection that increases a woman’s risk for preterm delivery, according to a University of Pittsburgh study.