Autism linked to being firstborn, breech births or older moms

Autism may be linked to being firstborn, breech births or moms 35 or older. Study looked at group of Utah 8-year-olds. – Children who are firstborn or breech or whose mothers are 35 or older when giving birth are at significantly greater risk for developing an autism spectrum disorder, University of Utah School of Medicine researchers have reported in a new study with Utah children.

Pollution related asthma starts in womb

Research suggests pollution-related asthma may start in the womb – Children born in areas with increased traffic-related pollution may be at greater risk of developing asthma due to genetic changes acquired in the womb, according to new research from the University of Cincinnati (UC) and Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health.

Smoking during pregnancy increases cancer risk in child

Smoking during pregnancy increases a child?s likelihood of developing cancer. – New research by the Cancer Institute NSW has provided the strongest indication yet that smoking during pregnancy increases a child’s likelihood of developing cancer.

Smoking during pregnancy fosters aggression in children

Pregnant women who smoke are at a higher risk of delivering physically aggressive children. – Women who smoke during pregnancy risk delivering aggressive kids according to a new Canada-Netherlands study published in the journal Development and Psychopathology.

Second hand smoke raises fertility problems in women

If you need another reason to quit smoking, consider that it may diminish your chances of being a parent or grandparent. Women exposed to second hand smoke were more likely to face fertility problems. – Women exposed to second hand smoke, either as adults or children, were significantly more likely to face fertility problems and suffer miscarriages, revealed by researchers from University of Rochester Medical Center.

Depressed pregnant women may have preterm delivery

Depression during pregnancy can double risk of preterm delivery. Study of 791 women finds preterm delivery risk grows with severity of depression. – Depressed pregnant women have twice the risk of preterm delivery than pregnant women with no symptoms of depression, according to a new study by the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research.

Increased risk of pregnancy problems in Asian-white

Asian-white couples face distinct pregnancy risks, revealed by researchers at Stanford University Medical Center. – Pregnant women who are part of an Asian-white couple face an increased risk of gestational diabetes as compared with couples in which both partners are white, according to a new study from Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital and the Stanford University School of Medicine.

Nut products during pregnancy increases asthma risk in children

This study provides evidence on the relationship between maternal diet during pregnancy and longitudinal development of childhood asthma. Daily consumption of nut products increased the risk of asthma outcomes during the first 8 years of life. – Expectant mothers who eat nuts or nut products like peanut butter daily during pregnancy increase their children’s risk of developing asthma by more than 50 percent over women who rarely or never consume nut products during pregnancy, according to new research from the Netherlands.

Childhood lead exposure is a risk factor for criminal behavior

Prenatal and postnatal blood lead concentrations are associated with higher rates of total arrests and/or arrests for offenses involving violence. This is the first prospective study to demonstrate an association between developmental exposure to lead and adult criminal behavior. – Lead exposure during childhood is associated with adult criminal behaviour, including violent crime, revealed by researchers in this week’s PLoS Medicine. Childhood lead exposure is a purported risk factor for antisocial behavior, but prior studies either relied on indirect measures of exposure or did not follow participants into adulthood to examine the relationship between lead exposure and criminal activity in young adults.

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