New test to detect and identify 12 respiratory viruses

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration cleared for marketing a test – xTAG Respiratory Viral Panel, manufactured by Luminex Molecular Diagnostics, that simultaneously detects and identifies 12 specific respiratory viruses. – The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved a new diagnostic test that detects 12 respiratory viruses, including strains of flu that have triggered epidemics.

Gene protects newborns from respiratory distress syndrome

A gene helps protect newborns from the most common respiratory cause of infant death in the United States ? respiratory distress syndrome. – Yale School of Medicine researchers have isolated a gene that helps protect newborns from the most common respiratory cause of infant death in the United States – respiratory distress syndrome.

Bright light therapy eases bipolar depression

Bright light therapy can ease bipolar depression in some patients, according to a study published in the journal Bipolar Disorders. – Bright light therapy can ease bipolar depression in some patients, according to a study published in the journal Bipolar Disorders. Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine’s Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic studied nine women with bipolar disorder to examine the effects of light therapy in the morning or at midday on mood symptoms.

Depressed girls can’t smell the roses

New Tel Aviv University (TAU) research links depression to loss of the sense of smell, suggesting that the blues may have biological roots. – Can’t smell the roses? Maybe you’re depressed. Smell too much like a rose yourself? Maybe you’ve got the same problem. Scientists from Tel Aviv University recently linked depression to a biological mechanism that affects the olfactory glands. It might explain why some women, without realizing it, wear too much perfume.

Healing Value of Magnets established

University of Virginia study shows magnets can reduce swelling when applied after an inflammatory injury. – Magnets have been touted for their healing properties since ancient Greece. Magnetic therapy is still widely used today as an alternative method for treating a number of conditions, from arthritis to depression, but there hasn’t been scientific proof that magnets can heal.

Lung cancer cells’ survival gene 14-3-3zeta seen as drug target

Lung cancer cells’ survival gene 14-3-3zeta seen as drug target, as lung cancer cells can?t survive on their own when this key gene called 14-3-3zeta is silenced. – One of the deadliest forms of cancer appears to carry a specific weakness. When a key gene called 14-3-3zeta is silenced, lung cancer cells can’t survive on their own, researchers have found.

Novel anti-cancer strategy moves to clinic

Emory University researchers have developed a novel anti-tumor compound that represents a distinct strategy: targeting one of the most important “intercept points” for cancer cells. – Researchers at Emory University have developed a novel anti-tumor compound that represents a distinct strategy: targeting one of the most important “intercept points” for cancer cells.

Obese pregnant women give birth to heavier babies

New study suggests that maternal body composition at or near conception has important implications for offspring?s obesity, and obesity during conception phase may set the stage for offspring?s obesity risk. – The number of overweight and obese Americans continues to grow rapidly. Today, 50 percent of adults are overweight and up to 20 percent are obese. While the number of overweight/obese children is at an all time high, the steady increase of overweight infants ? individuals under 11 months old ? is alarming.

GIP hormone to prevent obesity

Gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) hormone in the body is capable of promoting weight loss, improving insulin resistance and reversing diabetes. – A new study finds that a chemical found in the body is capable of promoting weight loss, improving insulin resistance and reversing diabetes in an animal model. The hormone is gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) receptor blockade.

New strategies work to put cancer on the firing line

Cancer cells are our own cells gone awry. That means our immune system doesn?t always see cancer as a horrific invader. – Dr. Yukai He wants to put cancer in the bull’s eye. “Cancer really comes from us,” the Medical College of Georgia Cancer Center immunologist says of the scary reality that cancer cells are our own cells gone awry. That means our immune system doesn’t always see cancer as a horrific invader.

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