OPAL Therapy cost-effective method of treating HIV

New ‘OPAL Therapy’ presents simple, cost-effective method of treating HIV infection – Australian researchers have unveiled a new immunotherapy technique to help prevent the progression from HIV infection to AIDS. Details of the simple, cost-effective technique are published May 2nd in the open-access journal PLoS Pathogens.

CD16 monocyte could be a biomarker for progression of HIV

Expansion of a monocyte subset in HIV patients could serve as a biomarker for progression of the disease. – An increase in the CD163+/CD16+ monocyte subset could be a biomarker for the progression of HIV disease, according to researchers at Temple University, reported in the March issue of AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses.

Researchers discover TRIM22 gene that blocks HIV

Canadian researchers at the University of Alberta have discovered a gene that can block HIV, and in turn prevent the onset of AIDS. – Researchers at the University of Alberta have discovered a gene that is able to block HIV, and in turn prevent the onset of AIDS. Stephen Barr, a molecular virologist in the Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, says his team has identified a gene called TRIM22 that can block HIV infection in a cell culture by preventing the assembly of the virus.

Tenofovir gel safe for daily use

Trial finds tenofovir gel safe for daily use and most women adhered to study regimens; Results of Phase II study of ARV-based microbicide presented at international meeting in India bolster interest in latest approach – A vag inal microbicide that incorporates an antiretroviral (ARV) drug normally used to treat people with HIV is safe for sexually active HIV-negative women to use every day over an extended period, suggest results of a clinical trial of tenofovir topical gel.

Anti HIV gel Tenofovir proven safe for women

A gel using anti-HIV drug tenofovir to shield women from AIDS has been proven safe for daily use and acceptable to women. – An experimental anti HIV gel is safe for women to use on a daily basis, according to researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) and the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.

Growth hormone enhances immunity in HIV patients

Growth hormone (GH) treatment was found to increase the immunity in HIV patients. It increased the thymic mass, and increased the number of immune cells HIV patients had circulating in their blood. – Growth hormone helps boost the immune system of HIV patients, revealed by researchers. Growth hormone (GH) treatment was associated with increased thymic mass, and increased the number of immune cells HIV patients had circulating in their blood.

Copper inhibits transmission of hiv through breast milk and blood

Researchers have developed an inexpensive copper-based filter that may prevent HIV from being passed through breast milk and blood. – Researchers from the U.S. and abroad have developed an inexpensive copper-based filter that may prevent HIV from being passed through breast milk and blood. They report their findings in the February 2008 issue of the journal Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.

Many maternal deaths worldwide are preventable

A study published in PLoS Medicine this week suggests that of women who die during pregnancy and childbirth in sub-Saharan Africa, more may die from treatable infectious diseases than from conditions directly linked to pregnancy. – Women who die during pregnancy and childbirth in sub-Saharan Africa, more may die from treatable infectious diseases than from conditions directly linked to pregnancy, revealed by researchers.

Herpes virus link to complications in pregnancy

Exposure to viral infection – especially viruses of the herpes group – may be associated with pregnancy-induced hypertensive disease (pre-eclampsia) and also with pre-term birth. – Viral infection with high blood pressure during pregnancy may lead to pre-term birth, revealed by researchers at Adelaide’s Women’s & Children’s Hospital and the University of Adelaide.

Genetic breakthrough boosting natural immunity

Genetic breakthrough supercharges immunity to flu and other viruses; McGill researchers discover way to boost cells’ natural anti-virus defences. – Researchers at McGill University have discovered a way to boost an organism’s natural anti-virus defences, effectively making its cells immune to influenza and other viruses.