New target for antidepressants for depression and anxiety

Animal study reveals new target for antidepressants – University of Michigan scientists have provided the most detailed picture yet of a key receptor in the brain that influences the effectiveness of serotonin-related antidepressants, such as Prozac.

Physicians should help depression patients

Physicians should help patients with depression name their problem – Because people with depression often do not recognize they have a problem or are unable to describe their distress, many do not seek treatment. About a quarter of those with major depression are undiagnosed, according to several studies, and fewer than half receive treatment.

Loneliness feeling may increase blood pressure

Feeling lonely adds to rate of blood pressure increase in people 50 years old and older – Chronic feelings of loneliness take a toll on blood pressure over time, causing a marked increase after four years, according to a new study at the University of Chicago.

Deep brain stimulation successful for depressive patient

Neurosurgeons in Heidelberg perform the world’s first operation on the ‘habenula’ to treat depression; cooperation with psychiatrists from the Central Institute of Mental Health in Mannheim – A team of neurosurgeons at Heidelberg University Hospital and psychiatrists at the Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim have for the first time successfully treated a patient suffering from severe depression by stimulating the habenula, a tiny nerve structure in the brain.

Few Americans receive adequate treatment for depression

Few Americans with major depression receive adequate treatment – Many U.S. adults with major depression do not receive treatment for depression or therapy based on treatment guidelines, and some racial and ethnic groups have even lower rates of adequate depression care.

Earlier bedtimes may protect adolescents against depression

Earlier bedtimes may help protect adolescents against depression and suicidal thoughts – Earlier bedtimes could have a protective effect on adolescents against depression and suicidal thoughts, by lengthening sleep duration and increasing the likelihood of getting enough sleep.

Cannabis in teens can cause depression and anxiety

Cannabis and adolescence — Cannabis in teens can cause depression and anxiety – Canadian teenagers are among the largest consumers of cannabis worldwide. The damaging effects of this illicit drug on young brains are worse than originally thought.

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