Young women with colon cancer lived longer than men

Women fare better than men with metastatic colorectal cancer — are hormones helping? – Younger women with metastatic colorectal cancer lived longer than younger men, revealed by researchers in a new US study. However, this survival advantage disappeared with age, suggesting a benefit from estrogen or other hormones.

Obesity, alcohol use and smoking increase second breast cancer risk

Obesity, alcohol consumption and smoking increase the risk of second breast cancer – Obesity, alcohol use and smoking significantly increase the risk of second breast cancer among breast cancer survivors, revealed by researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

Breastfeeding reduces risk of breast cancer

Breastfeeding reduces risk of breast cancer in women with a family history of the disease – Women with a family history of breast cancer were 59 percent less likely to develop breast cancer themselves if they breastfed their children, revealed by US researchers.

Bone density unnecessary in women taking osteoporosis drugs

Monitoring bone density in older women is unnecessary and potentially misleading — Value of routine monitoring of bone mineral density after starting bisphosphonate treatment. – Monitoring bone mineral density in postmenopausal women taking osteoporosis drugs (bisphosphonates) is unnecessary and potentially misleading, revealed by researchers through a new study published on

Bisphenol A BPA may cause heart disease in women

BPA may cause heart disease in women, research shows – New research by a team of scientists at the University of Cincinnati (UC) shows that bisphenol A (BPA) may be harmful for the heart, particularly in women. Results of several studies are being presented in Washington, D.C., at ENDO 09, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting, June 10-13.

Antioxidant supplements may interfere breast cancer treatment

Many breast cancer patients take high doses of antioxidants despite possible consequences – antioxidant supplements may interfere breast cancer treatment. – A new study finds that many women with breast cancer take antioxidant supplements while undergoing cancer treatment, even though the consequences of doing so are unknown.

Breast cancer gene responds to blood pressure drug in lab

Researchers find breast cancer gene that’s blocked by blood pressure drug. Gene overexpressed in up to 20 percent of breast cancers responds to blood pressure drug in lab, U-M researchers report. – Researchers have identified a gene that is overexpressed in up to 20 percent of breast cancers and that could be blocked in the lab by a currently available blood pressure drug, according to a new study from the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Menopause transition may cause trouble learning

Menopause transition may cause trouble learning – The largest study of its kind to date shows that women may not be able to learn as well shortly before menopause compared to other stages in life. The research is published in the May 26, 2009, print issue of Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

African American women often refuse breast cancer treatment

African-American women with advanced breast cancer often forego vital treatment – A new study finds that nearly one in four African American women with late stage breast cancer refused chemotherapy and radiation therapy, potentially life saving therapies.

HRT-breast cancer risk stays same regardless of family history

HRT-breast cancer risk stays same, regardless of family history – HRT conveys no greater breast cancer risk to women with, versus without, a first-degree family history of breast cancer. – The risk of developing breast cancer due to taking hormone replacement therapy appears to be the same for women with a family history of the disease and without a family history, a University of Rochester Medical Center study concluded.

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