Diabetes duration and advancing age independently predict diabetes complications

Duration of diabetes and advancing age independently predict diabetes complications, risk of death – The duration of diabetes and advancing age independently predict diabetes severity and risk of death in older adults with type 2 diabetes. In a new study led by Kaiser Permanente and the University of Chicago, researchers investigated contemporary rates of diabetes complications and risk of death then contrasted them across categories of age and duration of diabetes.

Obamacare – HealthCare.gov delay announced

US Administration announces new delay in online enrollment for small businesses — Obamacare’s online SHOP enrollment delayed by one year – The Obama administration is delaying yet another aspect of the health care law, putting off until next November the launch of an online portal (HealthCare.gov) to the health insurance marketplace for small businesses.

Sleep deprivation has noticeable effects on facial appearance

Study reveals the face of sleep deprivation — Sleep deprivation has noticeable effects on facial appearance that may have social consequences – Sleep deprivation affects facial features such as the eyes, mouth and skin, and these features function as cues of sleep loss to other people.

Acetaminophen pain drug can cause rare serious skin reactions

FDA Warns of Rare Acetaminophen Risk — Acetaminophen linked to three serious skin diseases – Acetaminophen, a fever and pain reliever that is one of the most widely used medicines in the U.S., can cause rare but serious skin reactions, warns the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Prostate cancer – active surveillance and watchful waiting better

Observation is safe, cost-saving in low-risk prostate cancer — Study suggests low-risk patients can forego immediate treatment – Many men with low-risk, localized prostate cancers can safely choose active surveillance or “watchful waiting” instead of undergoing immediate treatment and have better quality of life while reducing health care costs, according to a study by researchers at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Massachusetts General Hospital.

3D printed device saved life of a baby with tracheobronchomalacia

Baby’s life saved with groundbreaking 3D printed device from University of Michigan that restored his breathing — Bioresorbable splint used for first time, successfully stopped life-threatening tracheobronchomalacia, case featured in New England Journal of Medicine – Every day, their baby stopped breathing, his collapsed bronchus blocking the crucial flow of air to his lungs. April and Bryan Gionfriddo watched helplessly, just praying that somehow the dire predictions weren’t true.

New genomic prostate cancer test improves risk assessment and surveillance

New prostate cancer test improves risk assessment — Tool tested by UC San Francisco helps identify those best suited for active surveillance – A new genomic test for prostate cancer can help predict whether men are more likely to harbor an aggressive form of the disease, according to a new UC San Francisco study. The test, which improves risk assessment when patients are first diagnosed, can also aid in determining which men are suitable for active surveillance – a way of managing the disease without direct treatment.

Americans could save $770 billion due to slowdown in health care spending

Saving money on medical costs — Slowdown in health care spending growth could save Americans $770 billion, study finds – A slowdown in the growth of U.S. health care costs could mean that Americans could save as much as $770 billion on Medicare spending over the next decade, Harvard economists say.

$205 million investment to help manage mental health in US

Increasing Access to Mental Health Services in US – This is the fact that in US 60 percent of people with mental health conditions and nearly 90 percent of people with substance use disorders don’t receive the care they need. That is why the Affordable Care Act is so important to mental health. The health care law, along with previous parity legislation, will expand mental health and substance use disorder benefits and parity protections for 62 million Americans.

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