Sleep apnea treatment reduces hypertension and heart disease risk

Studies examine CPAP treatment and cardiovascular outcomes in adults with obstructive sleep apnea — Treatment of Obstructed Sleep Apnea With CPAP Therapy Associated With A Lower Risk Of Hypertension – Two studies that included adults with obstructive sleep apnea examined the effectiveness of reducing the risk of cardiovascular outcomes, including high blood pressure, by treatment with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP).

Z-pack antibiotic azithromycin carries heart risk

Vanderbilt researchers find common antibiotic carries heart risk – Vanderbilt researchers have discovered a rare, but important risk posed by the antibiotic azithromycin, commonly called a “Z-pack.” The study found a 2.5-fold higher risk of death from cardiovascular death in the first five days of taking azithromycin when compared with another common antibiotic or no antibiotics at all.

Violence during childhood may impact kids’ DNA

Violence puts wear and tear on kids’ DNA — Exposure to Violence During Childhood is Associated with Telomere Erosion from 5 to 10 Years of Age – Children who have experienced violence might really be older than their years. The DNA of 10-year-olds who experienced violence in their young lives has been found to show wear and tear normally associated with aging, a Duke University study has found.

Heart failure patients may get benefit from testosterone supplements

Testosterone supplements may help heart failure patients – Testosterone supplements helped heart failure patients breathe better and exercise more. This new research analyzed four randomized clinical trials of patients with moderate to severe chronic heart failure. Patients were given commercial testosterone supplements by injection, patch or gel.

First stress and then inflammation is the culprit

How stress influences disease: Carnegie Mellon study reveals inflammation as the culprit – Can removing stress from my environment make me healthy & happier? Yes, it is proven by a recent research that shows how stress influences disease and our health.

Cancer is preventable – Obstacles standing in the way of prevention of cancer

More than half of all cancer is preventable — Public health researchers outline obstacles standing in the way of prevention – More than half of all cancer is preventable, and society has the knowledge to act on this information today. Researchers outline obstacles they say stand in the way of making a huge dent in the cancer burden in the United States and around the world.

Sugar sweetened drinks increases heart disease risk in men

Sugar-sweetened drinks linked to increased risk of heart disease in men – One soft drink a day raises ‘heart attack danger’ by 20 per cent – Men who drank a 12-ounce sugar-sweetened beverage a day had a 20 percent higher risk of heart disease compared to men who didn’t drink any sugar-sweetened drinks, according to research published in Circulation, an American Heart Association journal.

Circadian rhythms linked to sudden cardiac attack

Study Links ‘Body Clock’ to Sudden Cardiac Death — ‘Biological clock’ may be behind sudden heart attacks – A new study uncovers the first molecular evidence linking the body’s natural circadian rhythms to sudden cardiac death (SCD). Ventricular arrhythmias, or abnormal heart rhythms, are the most common cause of sudden cardiac death: the primary cause of death from heart disease. They occur most frequently in the morning waking hours, followed by a smaller peak in the evening hours.

Vitamin D therapy does not improve heart disease risk

Vitamin D Therapy Does Not Improve Certain Cardiac Measures for Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease – Patients with chronic kidney disease who received the vitamin D compound paricalcitol for up to 48 weeks did not show improvement on measures of cardiac structure, function, or left ventricular mass, compared to patients who received placebo.

Most major air pollutants increases heart attack risk

Short-Term Exposure to Most Major Air Pollutants Associated With Increased Risk of Heart Attack – Short-term exposure (for up to 7 days) to all major air pollutants, with the exception of ozone, is significantly associated with an increased risk of heart attack. The potentially harmful effect of episodes of high air pollution on health has been suspected for more than 50 years.

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