Healthy diets have long lasting positive effects

Healthy diets have long-lasting positive effects even with partial weight regain – Mediterranean and low-carbohydrate diets have lasting, healthy effects, even with partial weight regain. The study is published in a peer-reviewed letter in the current New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) as an update to the landmark study, the workplace-based Dietary Intervention Randomized Controlled Trial (DIRECT), a tightly controlled 24-month dietary intervention.

Child free women feel intense pressure to have kids

Child-free women feel intense pressure to have kids — but rarely stress over it — New study uncovers effects of social pressure to have children on different groups of US women – Women who choose to be permanently childfree perceive more social pressures to become mothers than other women, but feel less distress about not having kids than women who are childless from infertility or other reasons, a new national study shows.

RYGB gastric bypass surgery improves heart risk factors

Over long-term, gastric bypass surgery associated with higher rate of diabetes remission — Improvement in cardiovascular risk factors – Severely obese patients who had Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery had significant weight loss that was sustained for an average of 6 years after the surgery and also experienced frequent remission and lower incidence of diabetes, hypertension, and abnormal cholesterol levels, compared to participants who did not have the surgery.

Polypill reduces heart attack and stroke risks

First Polypill trial in people selected on age alone (50 and over) shows substantial health benefit – Results of a randomised trial carried out by academics at Queen Mary, University of London show that a four-component Polypill given to people aged 50 and over to reduce their risk of heart attack and stroke, the most common causes of death worldwide, achieved large reductions in blood cholesterol and blood pressure, the main causes of these two diseases.

Cholesterol lowering statin drugs may cause fatigue

Statins shown to cause fatigue-with-exertion or impaired energy – Researchers found that individuals taking cholesterol-lowering statin drugs are more likely than non-users to experience decreased energy, fatigue upon exertion, or both. The researchers suggest that these findings should be taken into account by doctors when weighing risk versus benefit in prescribing statins.

Eating chocolate frequently appears related to lower BMI

More frequently eating chocolate appears related to lower BMI – More frequently eating chocolate was linked to lower body mass index (BMI). Despite eating more calories, chocolate lovers were found to have a lower body weight. People who ate chocolate a few times a week or more weighed less than those who rarely indulged.

Evacetrapib can increase good cholesterol HDL

Cleveland Clinic researcher reports that evacetrapib can increase HDL (good) cholesterol 128 percent – Researchers at Cleveland Clinic reported that administration of a new drug? evacetrapib ? can dramatically increase HDL (good) cholesterol, while significantly lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol). At the highest tested dosage, the levels of HDL more than doubled.

Sugar sweetened drinks may increase heart risk in women

Sugar-sweetened beverages may increase cardiovascular risk in women – Drinking two or more sugar-sweetened beverages a day may expand a woman’s waistline and increase her risk of heart disease and diabetes. In a new study, researchers compared middle-aged and older women who drank two or more sugar-sweetened beverages a day, such as carbonated sodas or flavored waters with added sugar, to women who drank one or less daily.

Do not eat Rocky Ford Cantaloupe shipped by Jensen Farms US

FDA warns consumers not to eat Rocky Ford Cantaloupes shipped by Jensen Farms – Jensen Farms recalls Rocky Ford cantaloupe due to potential link to a multi-state outbreak of listeriosis – US FDA is warning consumers not to eat Rocky Ford Cantaloupe shipped by Jensen Farms of Granada, Colo. The majority of the patients reported eating cantaloupe marketed from the Rocky Ford growing region. FDA’s traceback data from the State of Colorado about their confirmed cases of Listeria monocytogenes have identified a common producer of Rocky Ford cantaloupes. That producer is Jensen Farms. Although the investigation is ongoing, no other Rocky Ford cantaloupe producer has been found in common in the Colorado traceback.

New safety recommendations for high dose 80 mg simvastatin

FDA announces new safety recommendations for high-dose simvastatin — Increased risk of muscle injury cited – Patients taking simvastatin 80 mg daily had an increased risk of muscle injury. The risk of muscle injury is highest during the first year of treatment with the 80 mg dose of simvastatin, and is frequently associated with a genetic predisposition for simvastatin-related muscle injury or myopathy.

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