Broccoli sulforaphane can prevent and slow osteoarthritis arthritis

Broccoli could be key in the fight against osteoarthritis – A compound found in broccoli – sulforaphane – slows down the destruction of cartilage in joints associated with painful and often debilitating osteoarthritis. Broccoli could be a key to preventing or slowing the progress of the most common form of this arthritis – osteoarthritis.

Weight loss may prevent and treat osteoarthritis in obese

Weight loss may prevent, treat osteoarthritis in obese patients — Obesity may trigger biomechanical changes, pathways that contribute to osteoarthritis – Weight loss may prevent and significantly alleviate the symptoms of osteoarthritis, a progressive disease of the joints known as “wear and tear” arthritis. Obesity actually may trigger the biomechanical and inflammatory changes that cause osteoarthritis, and the pain and loss of mobility associated with the condition.

63% women suffer from some knee pain

Knee pain common complaint in middle-aged and mature women — Study finds pain patterns vary over a 12-year period – 63% of women age 50 and older reported persistent, incident, or intermittent knee pain during a 12-year study period, revealed by researchers. Predictors for persistent pain included higher body mass index (BMI), previous knee injury, and radiographic osteoarthritis (OA).

Genetic patterns may predict osteoarthritis

UNC researchers identify genetic patterns that may predict osteoarthritis — Findings could serve in drug development trials and medical management of osteoarthritis patients – Scientists from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine and Interleukin Genetics, Inc. announced findings from a large clinical study to evaluate the role played by genetic factors in the worsening of osteoarthritis.

Flexible shoes better for arthritic knees in osteoarthritis

Shoes: A treatment for osteoarthritis in the knees? – Flip-flops and sneakers with flexible soles are easier on the knees than clogs or even special walking shoes, a study by Rush University Medical Center has found. And that’s important, because loading on the knee joints is a key factor in the development of osteoarthritis.

Running shoes may cause damage to knees, hips, ankles

Running shoes may cause damage to knees, hips and ankles — Greater stresses on joints than running barefoot or walking in high-heeled shoes observed – Knee osteoarthritis (OA) accounts for more disability in the elderly than any other disease. Running, although it has proven cardiovascular and other health benefits, can increase stresses on the joints of the leg.

Strong thigh muscles protect women from osteoarthritis symptoms

Women with strong thigh muscles protected from symptomatic knee osteoarthritis — Quadriceps strength in either sex does not predict OA found on x-rays. – Thigh muscle strength does not predict the occurrence of knee osteoarthritis (OA) uncovered in x-rays, but does predict incidence of painful or stiff knee OA, revealed by researchers at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics.

Total knee replacement is cost effective

Total knee replacement appears cost-effective in older adults — study: Cost-effectiveness of Total Knee Arthroplasty in the United States. – Total knee replacement (arthroplasty) appears to be a cost-effective procedure for older adults with advanced osteoarthritis in the US Medicare, revealed by researchers.

Female hormone cycle affects knee joints

New research from the University of Calgary has found a connection between the laxity of a woman’s knee joint and her monthly hormone cycle. – New research from the Faculty of Kinesiology at the University of Calgary has found a connection between the laxity of a woman’s knee joint and her monthly hormone cycle.