Antioxidant supplements may interfere breast cancer treatment

Many breast cancer patients take high doses of antioxidants despite possible consequences – antioxidant supplements may interfere breast cancer treatment. – A new study finds that many women with breast cancer take antioxidant supplements while undergoing cancer treatment, even though the consequences of doing so are unknown.

Antioxidant in berries prevents UV skin damage, wrinkles

Antioxidant found in berries, other foods prevents UV skin damage that leads to wrinkles – Using a topical application of the antioxidant ellagic acid, researchers at Hallym University in the Republic of Korea markedly prevented collagen destruction and inflammatory response ? major causes of wrinkles — in both human skin cells and the sensitive skin of hairless mice following continuing exposure to UV-B, the sun’s skin-damaging ultraviolet radioactive rays.

Eating cherries boost antioxidant activity in body

New human study reinforces antioxidant benefits of tart cherries. Scientists discover eating cherries may elevate antioxidant activity in the body. – Eating just one and a half servings of tart cherries could significantly boost antioxidant activity in the body, according to new University of Michigan research reported at the 2009 Experimental Biology meeting in New Orleans.

Antioxidants for free radicals may not stop aging

Forget the antioxidants? McGill researchers cast doubt on role of free radicals in aging. Some organisms live longer when their ability to rid themselves of free radicals is partially disabled. – For more than 40 years, the prevailing explanation of why we get old has been tied to what is called oxidative stress. This theory postulates that when molecules like free radicals, oxygen ions and peroxides build up in cells, they overwhelm the cells’ ability to repair the damage they cause, and the cells age.

Vitamin E may slow functional decline in Alzheimer’s Disease patients

Vitamin E May Delay Decline in Mild-to-Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease — Study Shows Benefit in Activities of Daily Living and Savings in Caregiver Time with Vitamin E – A new research suggests that alpha tocepherol, fat-soluble Vitamin E and antioxidant, may slow functional decline (problems with daily activities such as shopping, preparing meals, planning, and traveling) in patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease and decrease caregiver burden.

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