Studies highlight MRSA evolution and resilience

A single strain of an evolving bacterium has been responsible for most of the community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) infections. – Community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) infections are caused primarily by a single strain-USA300-of an evolving bacterium that has spread with “extraordinary transmissibility” throughout the United States during the past five years, according to a new study led by National Institutes of Health (NIH) scientists. CA-MRSA, an emerging public health concern, typically causes readily treatable soft-tissue infections such as boils, but also can lead to life-threatening conditions that are difficult to treat.

Stem cells may improve muscles in muscular dystrophy

Dr. Rita Perlingeiro’s research team has prompted the growth of healthy and functioning muscle cells in mice afflicted with a human model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy. This represents the first time transplanted embryonic stem cells have been shown to restore function to defective muscles in an MD model. – Using embryonic stem cells from mice, UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers have prompted the growth of healthy – and more importantly, functioning – muscle cells in mice afflicted with a human model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The study represents the first time transplanted embryonic stem cells have been shown to restore function to defective muscles in a model of muscular dystrophy.

Brain strong during waking hours, weaken during sleep

Sleep’s main function is to keep our brains and all its synapses lean and efficient. Brain is more strong during waking hours, weaken during sleep. – Most people know it from experience: After so many hours of being awake, your brain feels unable to absorb any more, and several hours of sleep will refresh it. Now new research from the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health clarifies this phenomenon, supporting the idea that sleep plays a critical role in the brain’s ability to change in response to its environment. This ability, called plasticity, is at the heart of learning.

Ebola virus disarmed by excising a single gene

Ebola virus disarmed by excising a single gene

Ebola virus ranks among the most feared of exotic pathogens, due to its virulent nature, and because no vaccines or treatments are available. – The deadly Ebola virus, an emerging public health concern in Africa and a potential biological weapon, ranks among the most feared of exotic pathogens. Due to its virulent nature, and because no vaccines or treatments are available, scientists studying the agent have had to work under the most stringent biocontainment protocols, limiting research to a few highly specialized labs and hampering the ability of scientists to develop countermeasures.

Bird flu situation improving, says Indian minister

Bird flu situation in West Bengal, eastern India, had not worsened, instead it is showing signs of “overall improvement”. – Bird flu situation in West Bengal, eastern India, had not worsened, instead it is showing signs of “overall improvement”, said state Animal Resources Minister Anisur Rehman, “the state had set a target to cull 4,00,000 chickens within seven days of which 60,000-70,000 had already been culled”.

Probiotics in yoghurt affect metabolism

Researchers find that treatment with probiotics has range of biochemical effects. The results of this study are highly promising to address personalized nutrition. – Probiotics, such as yoghurt drinks containing live bacteria, have a tangible effect on the metabolism. The research is the first to look in detail at how probiotics change the biochemistry of bugs known as gut microbes, which live in the gut and which play an important part in a person’s metabolic makeup.

Prodesse’s ProFlu+ Test for Respiratory Viruses receives FDA clearance

Prodesse’s ProFlu+ Test for Respiratory Viruses receives FDA clearance for Marketing Real-Time Test, detects four viruses, including influenza; results available in about 3 hours. – Prodesse, Inc., the leader in multiplex real-time PCR for infectious disease, announced that it received clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to market its ProFlu+? Assay.

Chromosomal abnormalities play substantial role in autism

Chromosomal abnormalities play substantial role in autism, revealed in a study. Noting this change would help early diagnosis for autism or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) – a kind of developmental disorder. – Genome-wide scans of families affected by autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have revealed new evidence that previously unknown chromosomal abnormalities have a substantial role in the prevalent developmental disorder, according to a report published online Jan. 17th in the American Journal of Human Genetics, a publication of Cell Press.

Combined hormone therapy increases lobular breast cancer risk

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center leads first study designed to evaluate the association between combined HRT use and the risk of lobular breast cancers. – Postmenopausal women who take combined estrogen/progestin hormone-replacement therapy for three years or more face a fourfold increased risk of developing various forms of lobular breast cancer, according to new findings by researchers.

Cancer stem cells causing childhood leukemia found

A new study of four-year-old twin girls has identified a stem cell that is the root cause of childhood cancer – Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL). – A breakthrough study of identical twins has for the first time confirmed the existence of cancer stem cells that cause the most common form of childhood cancer, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) ? backing evidence that this childhood cancer starts in the womb. The research should lead to less aggressive treatment for childhood ALL and provides the hope of new, more effective drugs.

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