Childhood obesity and child protection issue

When does severe childhood obesity become a child protection issue? – When does severe childhood obesity become a child protection issue? This is just one of the ethical, medical and legal questions confronting doctors as they deal with increasing rates of childhood obesity, according to a series of articles in the latest Medical Journal of Australia.

Retired athletes with mental decline after concussion

Brain function decline in healthy retired athletes who sustained their last sports concussion in early adulthood – Researchers have found the first evidence that athletes who were concussed during their earlier sporting life show a decline in their mental and physical processes more than 30 years later.

Healthy lifestyle is in mind

Psychological concerns are the most important barriers to an active lifestyle. – The main factors influencing the amount of physical exercise people carry out are their self-perceived ability and the extent of their desire to exercise.

Obesity starts in the head?

Obesity starts in the head? Six newly discovered genes for obesity have a neural effect – Obesity is known to increase the risk of chronic disorders, such as diabetes (type 2). An international team of scientists with German participation through the Helmholtz Zentrum M?nchen identified six new obesity genes.

Physical activity reduces breast cancer risk after menopause

Reduced breast cancer risk: Physical activity after menopause pays off – Several studies had previously suggested that regular physical exercise reduces the breast cancer risk of women. However, it had been unknowned just how much exercise women should take in which period in life in order to benefit from this protective effect.

Job stress may cause stroke

Occupational stress related to job strain was associated with incident strokes among Japanese men. – Japanese men in high-stress jobs appear to have an increased risk of stroke compared with those in less demanding positions, according to a report in the January 12 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

Physically fit older women are mentally fit

Research finds older women who are more physically fit have better cognitive function. Want to stay sharp as you age? Then get moving! – New research published in the international journal Neurobiology of Aging by Marc Poulin, PhD, DPhil, finds that being physically fit helps the brain function at the top of its game.

One person diagnosed with diabetes every three minutes

The number of people diagnosed with diabetes mellitus is growing faster than ever as new figures show that one person is diagnosed with diabetes every three minutes. – One person is diagnosed with diabetes every three minutes in the UK, according to new figures from Diabetes UK. The charity reports that the number of people diagnosed with the condition is growing faster than ever.

Free resources to help lead a healthier life

Department of Public Health Urges Residents to Consider Their Health When Choosing a New Year?s Resolution – The Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH) is urging people to consider resolutions for a healthy lifestyle for the New Year. Whether your resolution is to take better care of your general health, lose weight, or quit using tobacco, the DPH offers tips and resources to help you succeed in leading a healthier lifestyle.

Breathing problems during sleep linked to calories burned at rest

Sleep disordered breathing severity is associated with REE – Resting Energy Expenditure. – Individuals with sleep-related breathing disorders appear to burn more calories when resting as their conditions become more severe, according to a report in the December issue of Archives of Otolaryngology?Head & Neck Surgery, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.