Delhi Homoeopathic Board Elections

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In the recently held Delhi Homoeopathic Board Elections on 18th June 2012, it was a complete wash out. Off total 665 votes Dr. KK Juneja got 590, Dr.Aditya Kaushik got 555, Dr. R.C.Aggarwal got 504 and Dr.R.K.Sahota got 475.Whereas the other contesting team got respective no. of votes- Dr. D.K.Bharadwaj 141, Dr.Minnie Mehta 140, Dr. Suman 92 and Dr.V.P.Singh got 86 votes only. Means nearly 90% votes in favor.

Though it was one sided contest but certainly the canvassing was done by using latest SMS and Face book applications. At the end the team which had been working for the betterment of Homoeopaths and Homoeopathy at large got elected with thumping success. Though the difference has been huge but it was surprising that only 665 votes were casted out of nearly 3000 registered voters.

It was also seen that most of the Homoeopathic doctors who got the jobs in the Govt. Dispensaries, Colleges etc. did not renew their Registration and were not having a voting right. It is high time that all Homoeopathic doctors working/ practicing in Delhi are duly registered and renew their registration in due course of time.

Now the newly elected Board has some challenging jobs to be done specially the clarity and exemption of Homoeopathy from Clinical Establishment Act 2010. Enhancing the job quota for Homoeopathic doctors, efforts for Improvising the Educational and Practical training for the students in the Homoeopathic Medical Colleges; Opening of more Dispensaries, creating awareness about Homoeopathy and having Homoeopathy/ Dr. Hahnemann Hall.

Board should make all efforts to streamline the Homoeopathic Charitable organizations also to be monitored for proper functioning.

It was a Win- Win situation for Dr. K.K.Juneja.

Source: Health Newstrack, India

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