Part of ACCORD study halted due to safety concerns

Canadian Diabetes Association has issued its position statement regarding safety concerns of diabetes treatment in ACCORD study. It is important that people with diabetes not make any changes to their treatments or adjust their blood glucose targets without speaking to their healthcare team. – Canadian Diabetes Association has issued its position statement regarding safety concerns of diabetes treatment in ACCORD study – “It is important that people with diabetes not make any changes to their treatments or adjust their blood glucose targets without speaking to their healthcare team”.

Most with high blood pressure do not follow DASH diet

The dietary profile of adults with HTN (Hypertension) in the United States has a low accordance with the (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) DASH dietary pattern, and the dietary quality of adults with HTN has deteriorated since the introduction of the DASH diet, suggesting that secular trends have minimized the impact of the DASH message. – A relatively small proportion of individuals with hypertension (high blood pressure) eat diets that align with government guidelines for controlling the disease, according to a report in the February 11 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

Healthy lifestyle for long life

70-year-olds who take regular exercise, eat well, and do not smoke greatly increase their chance of living until 90. – A healthy lifestyle during the early elderly years-including weight management, exercising regularly and not smoking-may be associated with a greater probability of living to age 90 in men, as well as good health and physical function, according to a report in the February 11 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

Snoring may lead to chronic bronchitis

Snoring may lead to chronic bronchitis

This prospective study observed that snoring is associated with chronic bronchitis, and findings provide support for the hypothesis that snoring influences the development of chronic bronchitis. – Snoring is more prevalent in patients with chronic bronchitis than in persons without it. Few studies have examined the effect of snoring on chronic bronchitis. Frequent snoring appears to be associated with the development of chronic bronchitis, according to a report in the January 28 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

Sedentary lifestyles linked to early aging

A sedentary lifestyle (in addition to smoking, high body mass index, and low socioeconomic status) has an effect on LTL and may accelerate the aging process. This provides a powerful message that could be used by clinicians to promote the potentially antiaging effect of regular exercise. – Physical inactivity is an important risk factor for many aging-related diseases. Individuals who are physically active during their leisure time appear to be biologically younger than those with sedentary lifestyles, according to a report in the January 28 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

Reduced Salt Butter for high blood pressure patients by Amul

Amul’s Reduced Salt Butter will be a boon for high blood pressure patients for whom salt intake is restricted. – Keeping in mind the inherent need and convenience of the consumers and taking into account the changing lifestyles, Amul is all set to expand its product portfolio with Amul Reduced Salt Butter. Amul Reduced Salt Butter has almost 50% less salt than table butter.

Consumer group criticizes nyc menu labeling bill

The Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) criticized the New York City Board of Health for mandating that chain restaurants incorporate nutrition labels on their menus. – The Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) criticized the New York City Board of Health for mandating that chain restaurants incorporate nutrition labels on their menus. This morning the Board unanimously supported the proposal, even though similar legislation had been previously struck down in court.

Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives, says UK Govt

A new ?372 million cross-government strategy to help everyone lead healthier lives was published today by the Health Secretary, Alan Johnson and the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families, Ed Balls. – A new ?372 million cross-government strategy to help England’s population lead healthier lives was published by the UK Health Secretary, Alan Johnson and the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families, Ed Balls.

Heart and stroke death rates steadily decline in US

American Heart Association goals to reduce deaths from heart disease and stroke by 2010 have been virtually met. – In an appropriate prelude to American Heart Month, which is just ahead in February, new mortality data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that, since 1999, coronary heart disease and stroke age-adjusted death rates are down by 25.8 percent and 24.4 percent, respectively.

Stress at work is linked to heart disease

A stressful job has a direct biological impact on the body, raising the risk of heart disease, research has indicated. – New research has produced strong evidence of how work stress is linked to the biological mechanisms involved in the onset of heart disease. The research published in Europe’s leading cardiology journal, the European Heart Journal.

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