Four eggs per week lowers type 2 diabetes risk

Four eggs per week lowers type 2 diabetes risk

Eating eggs reduces risk of type 2 diabetes — Four eggs per week lowers type 2 diabetes risk – Four eggs per week lowers type 2 diabetes risk revealed by researchers from University of Eastern Finland in a new study published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, highlighting the benefit of egg consumption in controlling type 2 diabetes.

Improve asthma symptoms by avoiding air pollution

Asthma symptoms kicking up? Check your exposure to air pollution — New article shows individuals can improve asthma symptoms by avoiding air pollution – People who suffer from asthma may think there’s not a lot they can do to control their asthma besides properly taking medications and avoiding allergic triggers.

Fitness linked to heart health and then to brain health

Train your heart to protect your mind — New study links cardiovascular health to cognitive changes as we age – Exercising to improve our cardiovascular strength may protect us from cognitive impairment as we age. This is revealed in a new study by researchers at the University of Montreal and its affiliated Institut universitaire de gératrie de Montréal Research Centre.

Happier people are in better health and maintain better physical function

People who enjoy life maintain better physical function as they age – People who enjoy life maintain better physical function in daily activities and keep up faster walking speeds as they age, compared with people who enjoy life less, according to a new study in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal).

Sunlight may help to reduce blood pressure

Here comes the sun to lower your blood pressure – Exposing skin to sunlight may help to reduce blood pressure and thus cut the risk of heart attack and stroke, a study published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology suggests. Research carried out at the Universities of Southampton and Edinburgh shows that sunlight alters levels of the small messenger molecule, nitric oxide (NO) in the skin and blood, reducing blood pressure.

Omega 3 fatty acids reduce type 2 diabetes risk

Fish derived serum omega-3 fatty acids help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes – High concentrations of serum long-chain omega-3 fatty acids from fish and fish oils may help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is becoming increasingly widespread throughout the world, including Finland.

Smoking may change genes in smokers

Smoking changes our genes – The fact that smoking means a considerable health risk is nowadays commonly accepted. New research findings from Uppsala University and Uppsala Clinical Research Center show that smoking alters several genes that can be associated with health problems for smokers, such as increased risk for cancer and diabetes.

Nut consumption lowers risk of diseases

Large study links nut consumption to reduced death rate — Research also shows people who eat nuts weigh less – In the largest study of its kind, people who ate a daily handful of nuts were 20 percent less likely to die from any cause over a 30-year period than were those who didn’t consume nuts, say scientists from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and the Harvard School of Public Health.

Fun friends social relationships influence quality of life in breast cancer patients

Fun and friends help ease the pain of breast cancer — Kaiser Permanente study among the first to examine how social relationships influence quality of life in breast cancer patients – Breast cancer patients who say they have people with whom they have a good time, or have “positive social interactions” with, are better able to deal with pain and other physical symptoms. This study provides research-based evidence that social support helps with physical symptoms.

A cup of beetroot juice daily lowers blood pressure

Drinking cup of beetroot juice daily may help lower blood pressure – A cup of beetroot juice a day may help reduce your blood pressure, revealed researchers. People with high blood pressure who drank about 8 ounces of beetroot juice experienced a decrease in blood pressure of about 10 mm Hg. But the preliminary findings don’t yet suggest that supplementing your diet with beetroot juice benefits your health.

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