Four eggs per week lowers type 2 diabetes risk

Four eggs per week lowers type 2 diabetes risk

Eating eggs reduces risk of type 2 diabetes — Four eggs per week lowers type 2 diabetes risk – Four eggs per week lowers type 2 diabetes risk revealed by researchers from University of Eastern Finland in a new study published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, highlighting the benefit of egg consumption in controlling type 2 diabetes.

Smoking rate higher in people with mobility impairments

Miriam Hospital study examines smoking prevalence — First-of-its-kind study to examine the high-risk group and advise they be targeted for cessation – Researchers from The Miriam Hospital have found that people with mobility impairments under age 65 have significantly higher rates of smoking than those without mobility impairments.

Active exercise and sports impact the healthfulness of men over 70

The Secret to Fewer Doctor Office Visits after 70 – Play High School Sports – Seventy year olds who don’t frequently visit the doctor have something unexpected in common – most played high school sports. They were active on a team over 50 years ago and are more likely to be active into their late 70s.

Regular physical activity in later life boosts healthy aging sevenfold

Regular physical activity in later life boosts likelihood of ‘healthy aging’ up to sevenfold — Helps stave off major ill health and dementia even for those getting started relatively late – It’s never too late to get physically active, with even those starting relatively late in life reaping significant health benefits, reveals researchers. Four years of sustained regular physical activity boosted the likelihood of healthy ageing sevenfold compared with consistent inactivity.

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