Low vitamin B12 may lead to brain shrinkage and cognitive problems

Low vitamin B12 levels may lead to brain shrinkage, cognitive problems – Older people with low blood levels of vitamin B12 markers may be more likely to have lower brain volumes and have problems with their thinking skills, according to researchers at Rush University Medical Center.

Vitamin A supplements can save children

Vitamin A supplements for children could save 600,000 lives a year – Researchers have strongly recommended vitamin A supplementation for children under 5 in areas at risk of vitamin A deficiency. Children in low and middle income countries should be given vitamin A supplements to prevent death and illness, concludes a study published on bmj.com today.

Rivaroxaban can prevent strokes in atrial fibrillation patients

Study shows ability of new agent to prevent strokes in patients with atrial fibrillation – Rivaroxaban, an anti-clotting drug, was shown to be an attractive alternative to warfarin in the prevention of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation, revealed by researchers recently.

29 new genetic variants linked to multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis research doubles number of genes associated with the disease — Critical insight provided into the disease mechanisms behind multiple sclerosis – Scientists have identified 29 new genetic variants linked to multiple sclerosis, providing key insights into the biology of a very debilitating neurological disease. Many of the genes implicated in the study are relevant to the immune system, shedding light onto the immunological pathways that underlie the development of multiple sclerosis.

Low vitamin D levels seen as multiple sclerosis risk for African Americans

Low vitamin D levels seen as multiple sclerosis risk for African-Americans, UCSF study finds – Vitamin D levels in the blood are lower in African Americans who have the disease, compared to African Americans who do not, revealed by researchers exploring the connection between vitamin D and multiple sclerosis in African Americans.

Niacin and statin treatment did not protect heart

NIH stops clinical trial on combination cholesterol treatment — Lack of efficacy in reducing cardiovascular events prompts decision – The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the National Institutes of Health has stopped a clinical trial studying a blood lipid treatment 18 months earlier than planned.

Vitamin D deficiency in pneumonia patients risky

Vitamin D deficiency in pneumonia patients associated with increased mortality – A new study published in the journal Respirology reveals that adult patients admitted to the hospital with pneumonia are more likely to die if they have Vitamin D deficiency.

Most obese adolescents lacking vitamin D

Obese adolescents lacking vitamin D — New study from Hasbro Children’s Hospital finds need for increased surveillance – A new study from Hasbro Children’s Hospital has found that most obese adolescents are lacking in vitamin D. The researchers call for increased surveillance of vitamin D levels in this population and for further studies to determine if normalizing vitamin D levels will help to lower the health risks associated with obesity.

Vitamin E or metformin not effective in liver disease in children teens

Vitamin E or Metformin May Not Be Effective for Treating Liver Disease in Children and Teens – In contrast to previous preliminary data, use of vitamin E or the diabetes drug metformin was not superior to placebo on a measured outcome for treating nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in children and adolescents.

Are dietary supplements working against you?

Are dietary supplements working against you? Do you belong to the one-half of the population that frequently uses dietary supplements with the hope that it might be good for you? – Well, according to a study published in an upcoming issue of Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, there seems to be an interesting asymmetrical relationship between the frequency of dietary supplement use and the health status of individuals.